Christian Magazines & Devotionals
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When magazines are in the hands of individuals, they have an alternative to the world’s wisdom. When churches offer our magazines to its congregation, it equips families with vital current information and spiritual insights on issues affecting families, individuals and church leadership.
(4 Products)
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We want our kids to be kids who speak with grace—who learn to love those with whom they agree and disagree. That starts by modeling it at home and by looking to some foundational scriptures that can help our teenagers learn to value other people.
January 1, 2014
- Dan Darling
It’s a question thousands of parents have to answer every day: When can I get on social media?
January 1, 2014
- Brian Housman
Bullying can teach children a skewed view of what a normal relationship is. Try these strategies to empower your child to resolve encounters with bullies at school or on the playground.
January 1, 2014
- Bill Conger
From the first grade through high school, almost every female walking school hallways has been hurt by her girlfriends. Usually, rambunctious boys fuss and fight, take their lumps, and walk away buddies. Girls, however, often handle their conflict covertly.
January 1, 2014
- Joy Fisher
Showing 4 of 4 Products