Pastors and Church Leaders

Resources and products to help pastors lead churches to make Sunday mornings a success. 

The Glass House Podcast

The Glass House Podcast with Ben and Lynley Mandrell

Lifeway’s “The Glass House” is a space where ministry leaders will shed light on the challenges they often don’t feel permission to talk about. Listeners who work in the trenches of church life will feel seen and gain tools to navigate ministry and life.

Those who live outside this “glass house” will better understand what it’s like to dwell there.Join Ben and Lynley Mandrell for these shockingly confessional—yet redemptive—conversations.

Bible Studies for Your Sunday School Groups

A new digital curriculum to reach the next generation.

Christ-centered, chronological studies to understand the unifying story of Scripture. 

Understand and apply the Bible in context through a book-by-book study.

Intentionally disciple babies through senior adult to purposefully become more like Jesus every day.

Lifeway Leadership

Equipping church leaders in their mission of making disciples.

Lifeway Research

Enlightening today's church with relevant research and insight. 

Ministry Grid

Providing over 850 online training courses to develop and disciple your church.

Recommended Reading

Leadership by the Book


(1 reviews)

was $24.99
The Digital Public Square


(1 reviews)

was $34.99
Pastoring Small Towns


(1 reviews)

was $14.99
Reclaiming Glory, Updated Edition
was $14.99
The Deacon Ministry Handbook


(12 reviews)

was $14.99
Mind the Gap
was $17.99
Calling Out the Called


(1 reviews)

was $14.99
Stay the Course


(2 reviews)

was $17.99
Flip the Script


(8 reviews)

was $14.99


CSB Spurgeon Study Bible, Black/Brown LeatherTouch®


(41 reviews)

was $69.99
CSB Tony Evans Study Bible, Black/Brown LeatherTouch, Indexed


(287 reviews)

was $79.99
KJV Spurgeon Study Bible, Navy/Tan Cloth Over Board


(35 reviews)

was $49.99
CSB Study Bible, Hardcover


(202 reviews)

was $49.99
CSB Apologetics Study Bible, Gray Hardcover


(60 reviews)

was $39.99
CSB Holy Land Illustrated Bible, British Tan LeatherTouch


(60 reviews)

was $69.99