I'm a bit embarrassed to admit it, but I grew up watching professional wrestling. In fact, it was my saintly grandma who introduced me to rasslin', as she called it.

Every Saturday, we gathered around her black-and-white television with Grandma sitting in the center in her well-worn rocking chair. The crazier the wrestling became, the faster my grandma rocked.

At times, I saw her rock herself all the way to the television set as the matches heated up.

"The Stomper" and the Hope of Victory

On this particular weekend, we watched in horror as one of our heroes (known as "The Stomper") turned evil in the middle of the match. He started the match as a good guy, but then he unexpectedly attacked another good guy. The announcers expressed their shock, and my grandma rocked more quickly than I had ever seen her rock!

Indeed, she was beside herself for the rest of the day. I can still hear her refrain as she expressed her grief and tried to teach her grandkids at the same time: "He didn't have to do it. He knew how to win! He didn't have to do it. He knew what winning was like!"

Grandma may not have understood that rasslin' is fake, but she knew this truth: The experience and hope of victory should keep people from making bad choices.

Somehow, I think the apostle Paul may have sent a similar message to his mentees.

Living in Victory Even Despite Persecution

Paul knew they would face spiritual battles, but he also believed they could win those battles through God's strength and in His armor (Eph. 6:10-13). Loosely paraphrased, his words might have been, "When temptation and trouble come, you don't have to lose. You know how to win."

Paul also challenged Timothy to remain faithful in the midst of trials, trusting God to complete His work in him (2 Tim. 3:10-17). To Titus, he sent the mandate to reject worldly passions while awaiting Christ's return (Titus 2:11-14).

Paul lived in victory even in persecution as he looked forward to being with Christ (2 Cor. 12:7-11; Phil. 1:22-24), and he wanted his mentees to experience the same. We have the same opportunity with our mentees today.

3 Mentor/Mentee Lessons on Spiritual Battles and Victories

  1. Mentors need to remind them of the reality of the spiritual battle. Those of us who have been in the ring with the devil can warn others that he really does want to devour us (1 Pet. 5:8). No believer is immune from the enemy's arrows.

  2. Mentors have the privilege of praying for mentees during the battle. Through the power of intercession and the presence of the Holy Spirit, they are never alone in the conflict. The army of God is strengthened because we fight alongside each other - not against each other.

  3. Mentors have the privilege of teaching mentees about the sweetness of victory. Jesus has already won the battle for us (Col. 2:15), and He prays for us even today (Heb. 7:25). Regardless of the enemy's schemes, we are on the winning team.

What You Can Do Right Now

This month, remind your mentees that we do not have to lose the conflict. Show them how to wear the full armor of God.

If one of your mentees has lost a recent battle, remind him or her that our God is forgiving. He grants us a new beginning when we confess yesterday's failures and trust Him in today's battles.

Passages to Review About Spiritual Battles:

  • Ephesians 6:10-17

  • James 4:7

  • 1 Peter 5:8

  • 1 John 4:4

  • Revelation 20:7-10

Questions to Consider:

  1. Are people without mentors more susceptible to spiritual defeat?

  2. How might a mentor help a mentee win spiritual battles?

  3. Who taught you about the reality of the battle?

Article courtesy of Mature Living magazine.

Learn More About Chuck Lawless' Bible Study

Mentor: How Along-the-Way Discipleship Will Change Your Life explores mentoring as a God-given relationship where one growing believer encourages and equips another to reach his or her potential as a disciple. Drawing from biblical examples like Jesus and His disciples and Paul and Timothy, Lawless examines the life-transforming process of a mentoring relationship.

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Chuck Lawless is the author of Mentor: How Along-the-Way Discipleship Will Change Your Life. He is dean of graduate studies at Southeastern Seminary and serves as global theological education consultant at the International Mission Board.