The Trinity - the Bible's revelation to us of God being one in essence and three in personhood - is a fundamental doctrine of the Christian faith. The three sermons in this series focus on God the Son, the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Individually these sermons focus on Jesus from three perspectives.

  1. Jesus as God: His divinity and equality with God

  2. Jesus as Man: His humanity and identification with humankind

  3. Jesus as Lord: His roles as Prophet, Priest, and King

We have also included here a stand-alone sermon on the role of theology in the life of your church. You can teach this sermon separately, as part of this series, or as an introduction to our series on God the Father.

These sermons accompany Bible study lessons from The Gospel Project originally scheduled for July 2013.

Use the link to the right to download a free series manuscript package. Links to supporting study and preparation resources appear below.

Sermons in this series

A Theology that Always Leads to Mission - Eph. 4An introductory sermon on the importance of biblical theology in the church, and how it helps believers glorify God and serve His mission.

  1. Sermon: The Incomparable Christ - Col. 1

  2. Sermon: The True and Better Adam - Ro. 5

  3. Sermon: The Conquering King - Rev. 19

Greg Breazeale is pastor of Metro East Baptist Church, Wichita, Kansas.