This content was excerpted from the Everyday Evangelism Bible Study by Preston Perry  

All Christians are evangelists. The term evangelist comes from a Greek word meaning “a bringer or messenger of good news.” What Jesus has done for us is good news. We should want everyone to know about it. And what Jesus commands us to do, He will give us the grace to carry out with confidence. The God who brought the good news to us will be with us as we share it. Through this study, we will learn how to share our faith wherever God places us—winning hearts like God has won ours. 

Much of what keeps us from being evangelists is the burden we place on ourselves. We feel as though someone’s salvation is dependent on us having a single conversation with them. Ultimately, salvation belongs to the Lord, and in most cases, God uses several people, planting and watering seeds over time, to open our hearts to Him. It often takes time, multiple conversations, and prayer for someone to come to faith in Christ. When we share the gospel with people, our conversations will never be pointless, even if they do not receive Jesus in that moment. We can trust the Spirit’s work in their lives. 

If you’re concerned about having the right words to say when you share the gospel with someone else, remember you’re not alone in your efforts. The Holy Spirit has everything you need for the task. When you obediently give people the gospel, He will empower you. The Great Commission is not dependent upon your communication skills; it is dependent upon the power of God in you. As you step out in faith, God will give you the words, the courage, and the wisdom you need to share the good news effectively. 

Now we have this treasure in clay jars, so that this extraordinary power may be from God and not from us.

2 Corinthians 4:7 (CSB)


God can and wants to use each of us to share the gospel. We do not have to have a certain level of status or education or talent or wealth to be worthy of this calling. We carry an extraordinary power inside us through the Spirit of God (2 Corinthians 4:7). Evangelism is much more about what He is doing through us than what we do. God uses our simple obedience to spread and water gospel seeds. The Spirit brings the fruit. 

Because of Jesus’s humility, obedience, and perfect sacrifice for our sins, God has given Him supreme authority over everything. Therefore, Jesus not only has the right to give commands, He also has the power to ensure His commands are fulfilled. Nothing can stand against the name of Jesus. No person or argument or worldview or power we encounter can thwart His purposes. 

 With this highest level of authority, He has commissioned us to go and make disciples of all nations. Because He has this authority, we respect and obey Him. And because He has empowered us with His authority, by His Spirit living in us, we can confidently carry out the mission. This is the unshakable foundation upon which we can build a life of evangelism, for the glory of God.