Easter Articles
6 Ways to Help Your Daughter Quiet Her Inner Critic
Learn to rest in yourself. As you do, you will free your child to do the same. And as she does, she will gradually learn to stop basing her worth on her performance or her friends' ratings and base it on the great love that our gracious Father has for her—and for you.
September 29, 2015
Reaching the Heart of Your Tween Daughter
Developing lifelong ties to your tween daughter means liking her, listening to her, and loving her through her growing pains.
January 1, 2014
- Rebecca Ingram Powell
Dealing with Aggression in Girl Friendships
From the first grade through high school, almost every female walking school hallways has been hurt by her girlfriends. Usually, rambunctious boys fuss and fight, take their lumps, and walk away buddies. Girls, however, often handle their conflict covertly.
January 1, 2014
- Joy Fisher