Parenting Articles
Help Teens Understand Their Freedom in Christ
Help your teem understand that freedom in Christ doesn't come by taking advantage of the free will God offers us by grace. It comes through the beauty and safety found in our obedience to Him.
October 27, 2023
- Kathleen Bryan
Jesus Cares About Every Aspect of Our Lives
Our Savior cares about every single detail of our lives. Even those seemingly insignificant moments in our story that appear minuscule to others matter to Him because WE MATTER TO HIM.
August 30, 2023
Parenting and Discipleship: They Are One and the Same
As Christians, we can’t turn on and turn off the “God” part of our lives. We see our world and lives through the lens of our identity in Christ. Parenting is the same way.
June 25, 2023
- Andy Blanks
Motherhood and the Mission of God
We must remember that God is at work in many ways in His people’s lives, and He does not prescribe one right way to be a woman or a mother. Wisdom says we honor the choices of those who have chosen differently than us and trust the Spirit at work in their lives and in ours.
June 7, 2023
- Courtney Reissig
Being the Father God Intended You to Be
Our fathers are intended to be the primary conduits of masculinity, giving us something of their noble hearts. They are to be our first heroes, striking the masculine fire in us by word and deed.
June 1, 2023
Why You Don't Need to Be a Perfect Mom
We must remember, though, our children don’t need us to be the perfection of Christ. They need to see us in pursuit of Christ. They need us to point them to Christ. They need to see the power of Christ made perfect in our weaknesses.
April 25, 2023
Build a Stronger Bond with Your Mother-in-Law
The last five years with my mother-in-law were sweeter than all the years that came before them, combined. I have Ruth the Moabitess to thank for that, and the Lord she vowed to follow.
April 18, 2023
No Greater Example of Perfect Love than Jesus on the Cross
To understand the love of God, we must understand who we are compared to Him.
April 7, 2023
- Jen McCaman
How to Let Go of Your Graduate with Grace
An empty nest may feel like a loss, but with a little grace and faith, it can be a great gain.
March 30, 2023
- Ann Brandt
Top Graduation Gift Ideas for the Class of 2023
Graduation is a perfect time to help your loved ones focus on God as they enter a new stage of life. We've curated some of our favorite graduation gifts for graduates, including books, Bibles, devotionals, journals, and more!
March 28, 2023
- Lifeway Staff