A Wise Discipleship Plan For All Ages Birth – Graduation

Levels of Biblical Learning®

As kids grow, their understanding of foundational truths grows with them. Levels of Biblical Learning covers 10 biblical concept areas—God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Bible, Salvation, Creation, Church, People, Family, Community & World—that children and students can learn as they study God’s Word. The concept areas are presented through eight different age ranges, from infancy through high school, and reflect levels of understanding that follow how God designed children to learn.

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Select your age group to find out how they learn best:

Younger Preschoolers


Young Preschoolers are:

  • Developing a sense of trust as needs are met consistently
  • Sensing attitudes and expression of love
  • Growing in trust of adults
  • Beginning to distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable behaviors
  • Beginning to recognize simple pictures of Jesus
  • Singing simple songs about God and Jesus
  • Saying thank you to God
  • Listening to Bible stories

Biblical Concepts


God is good.

God made you.

God loves me.

God hears me.

God helps me.

God loves people.

As kids grow, their understanding of foundational truths grows with them.

Example progression of understanding

  • Younger Preschoolers - God loves people
  • Middle Preschoolers - God shows His love to me
  • Older Preschoolers - God shows His love to people
  • Younger Kids - God shows love to His people
  • Middle Kids - God loves and values people around the world
  • Preteens - God loves and values people around the world, no matter their status, race, or ethnicity
  • Middle Schoolers - God is Creator, all creation is a result of His work, and people were created to live in relationship with Him
  • High Schoolers - God is Creator, all creation is a result of His work, and people were created in His image and as His crowning achievement to live in relationship with Him and reflect His glory