Mother's Day Gift Guide
Mother's Day Gift Guide
As Mother’s Day nears, you might be thinking of the best way to celebrate and thank your mom for all she’s done. She’s worn many hats over the years — from teacher and confidant to helper and friend, moms do it all.
But our moms’ kindness can show us far more than how much they love us. In Isaiah 66:13a, we see a comparison: “As a mother comforts her son, so I will comfort you.” Here, the way God comforts us is compared to how a mother would comfort her son or daughter.
God’s comfort and love is a big concept to grasp, but thinking of it in terms of an earthly mother helps to ground us in what that comfort looks like. Think of a time when you were scared or worried as a child — perhaps your mom offered you advice. Maybe she showed you something you were excited about to distract you. Or maybe she simply took you in her arms and held you close.
All these ways our moms comfort us point to ways God comforts us perfectly. He offers us wisdom for times of trouble through His word, reminds us of ways He’s provided for us before, and brings us close to Him, helping us feel peace through the Holy Spirit.
This Mother’s Day, consider a gift that will help Mom grow in her own faith walk, bring her close to Jesus and thank her for her selfless love. Below are a few great Christian gift ideas Mom will love!
If she loves to spend time with the Lord in His Word, a new Bible selected just for her makes the perfect gift. Choose from several types of Bibles full of study helps that will guide her in navigating life's ups and downs, encourage her in her faith, and draw her closer to Jesus. Customization available for some Bibles.
Encourage Mom to take some time just for her by choosing her next read! These books will point her to Scripture, engage her with stories and messages from other believers, and help her take the next steps in faith.
Bible Studies
If she loves having dedicated time to study, Mom will love a new Bible study book. These options, written just for women like her, will take her through Scripture and help her to apply it to her life.
Lifeway Women Events
Treat mom to a weekend of encouragement, worship, and community with tickets to a women's live event. Find an event near your mom today!