Acts Articles
Show Extravagant Generosity to One Another
We are our brother’s keepers. We are siblings in the Lord. Caring for the family of God is one of the ways we participate with the living God in the restoration and renewal of the world, starting with our own families and faith communities.
April 18, 2022
Sermon: The Priority of Praying Together - Acts 6
This morning we will survey various Scriptures that establish something simple, profound, and stirring: Praying Churches are used of God to change the world.
January 27, 2014
- Lloyd Stilley
Sermon: While You Wait - Acts 1
Waiting on the Lord may be one of the most difficult aspects of the Christian life. When Jesus promised that he would return, he instructed his followers to wait. That is easier said than done. So what do we do in the meantime?
January 1, 2014
- Rick Ezell
Acts 10 Sermon: Racial Reconciliation Based on Unity in Christ and Grace
Christians have a higher calling that directs our relationship with others. We are called to go beyond the content of character and to relate to individuals on the basis of God's grace. That's the message of this sermon from Acts 10 by Steve Andrews.
September 1, 2009
- Steve Andrews