Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry Articles
Is Your Kid Dramatic or Really in a Crisis?
An occasional big display of emotion is common. But how can parents tell the difference between a simple blowup and a sign of something more serious?
February 18, 2016
- Gretchen Raley
6 Biblical Messages of Encouragement for Parents
As Christian parents, we are obligated to share certain biblical truths with our children. Author and speaker, Ed Stetzer, gives six crucial ones to pass on.
February 17, 2016
Teaching Emerging Readers Skills
When teaching young elementary students it is important to remember that there might be a wide range of reading abilities represented in your class. Here are some ideas for how to involve the whole class without isolating based on reading ability.
September 7, 2015
- James Hargrave
How to Raise Generous Teenagers
Teenagers are on the lookout for an identity. When you help establish one at home, you are offering them an option of who they can be.
September 5, 2014
- Jessica Gemeinhart
5 Financial Principles to Start Teaching Your Teen Now
It's not too early to instill sound financial teaching in your teenager - even if you aren't perfect.
August 25, 2014
- Rachel Cruze
Get a Grip on Time Management with Your Teen
God wants us to experience the goodness of time well spent. We should set aside time in our week for rest, fun, feasting, and worship. When we do, we can approach work or school with energy and focus.
August 8, 2014
- Gretchen Williams Raley
7 Things Teachers Wish Parents Knew about School
Teachers are the primary source of information for parents. However, many times misunderstandings impede effective communication and can erode that vital trust. I can't speak for teachers everywhere, but there are a number of things that teachers wish parents knew about school.
July 15, 2014
- Jon Eckert
6 Ways to Keep Your Teen in Church and Following Jesus
Every year, thousands of students graduate out of their schools — and out of their churches. How can you keep your student in church after graduation?
January 1, 2014
- Steve Masters
A Parent's Guide to Prom
Don’t let prom catch you off-guard. The prom season gives your student the chance to stand up for her worldview, to demonstrate the confidence that comes from knowing that a single night doesn't define her worth or popularity.
January 1, 2014
- Adapted from Path of Purity: A Parent’s Guide
5 Ways to Get Teens into Bible Study
It's just natural that in groups the chatty will bulldoze right over the more respectful youth. However, Here are some strategies to help you encourage all your youth to actively dive into Bible study:
January 1, 2014
- Karen Dockery