Easter Articles
The Essential List Of Supplies For a Hassle-Free Easter Service
This article is about the various supplies Lifeway has to offer, such as communion supplies, pamphlets, tracts, or seasonal supplies.
March 17, 2025
- Chasity Phillips
Share God's Love This Maundy Thursday
As Christians everywhere honor Christ’s death and celebrate the resurrection, we would do well to remember first and foremost His holy command, that we love one another. While Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday garnish the lion share of our attention, bypassing Maundy Thursday, we miss something that matters. Love.
March 12, 2024
Adaptable Easter Sermon Outline
This sermon is based on a lengthy passage. Depending on your style and available time, you may choose to summarize the narrative and only read selected portions.
February 9, 2024
- Lifeway Pastors
The Resurrection of Jesus Changes Everything
The resurrection meant Jesus' days on earth were numbered but He knew that for His friends, this was just the beginning. Everything had changed.
January 19, 2024
Recommended Women's Bible Studies Leading up to Easter
A collection of women's bible studies to help prepare you for the Easter season.
January 9, 2024
Using the Historical Proof of Scripture to Come to Jesus with Confidence and Hope
Throughout the Gospels, we see Jesus resetting the disciples’ (and our) expectations about what kind of Messiah He would be. These predictions were meant to lead the first disciples and disciples today to realize Jesus is who He claimed to be. Because Jesus is who He claimed to be we can look to Him with confidence and hope.
December 18, 2023
One Curious Little Detail in the Easter Story
Jesus didn't stagger and stumble, bleary-eyed and numb from the coils of death; He rose as a conquering hero. He strode out of the tomb like He owned the place. Because He does.
March 16, 2023
Easter Gift Ideas for Friends and Family
Easter’s is the perfect time to encourage the adults in your life—moms and dads, brothers and sisters, aunts, uncles, and more!—with a gift that points them to remember the gospel and how God reconciled us to Himself.
February 20, 2023
- Lifeway Staff
Should You and Your Family Observe Lent?
Lent is roughly six weeks dedicated to the preparation of celebrating Easter. Help your family decide whether the observance of Lent is right for you. Here are some healthy ways to observe Lent, as well as some things you may want to avoid.
February 15, 2023
How to Celebrate Lent and Easter with Your Kids
This Easter, I feel the Holy Spirit convicting me to renew my observance of Lent. And more importantly, I feel led to introduce it to my son.
February 15, 2023
- Deborah Bence Boerema