I'm often asked, "How do you do it all?" Good question. I'm a full-time working mom with three daughters in elementary school. If I'm not at work, I'm definitely putting in the hours at home. My day doesn't stop until my head hits the pillow, and even then, I'm mentally scheduling the next day's events. Between homework, housework, and my career, I make time for the things that truly matter. I need time with God every day. Quite simply, having a personal relationship and spending time with Him is the only way I'm able to "do it all."
Lifeway offers several excellent devotions for your family to read together or as individuals.
Moms will enjoy Journey, which is designed to help women develop a daily quiet time that allows them to pray, read God's Word, and listen for God to speak to them. It's written in an easy-to-read format and features stories from real women, just like you, so each devotional is relatable.
Men will be inspired by Stand Firm. A monthly magazine for men that is filled with daily devotions, feature articles, interviews, reviews, and practical ways to apply biblical truths, Stand Firm offers daily encouragement to help men remain anchored in Jesus Christ by cultivating the discipline of daily Bible reading and challenging men to stay true to their commitments and responsibilities.
Open Windows, suited for any age group, provides a plan for a meaningful two-minute or longer devotional time of Bible reading and prayer. Each issue offers daily readings and selected Scripture passages, a read-through-the-Bible plan, and a calendar to encourage daily prayer for missionaries around the world.
Adventure is a monthly devotional that engages 3rd and 4th graders and cultivates the disciplines of daily Bible reading and spending time with God. With fun facts, puzzles, and games geared toward the media-savvy kids of today, Adventure builds discipline of daily time with God, helps kids grow in relationship with God and others, and helps develop Christian values in your young students.
Bible Express is a 52-page monthly devotional designed for preteens. Bible Express works great as an outreach tool and a reminder that God is their constant companion. Your preteen students will enjoy separate devotions for boys and girls as well as reflective activities that engage their growing hearts and minds.
Our kids love the "Family Time" devotions and activities in each issue of HomeLife. Featuring a proposed menu, décor, activities, and Scripture reading, we've found "Family Time" to be an incredible way to spend time with our girls as well as to teach them God's Word in meaningful ways. They enjoy learning the Memory Verses provided in each issue and have learned how to work together as they help one another memorize a verse each week.