This four-sermon series looks at the Lord Jesus' promised return to establish His eternal kingdom. Using six New Testament books, it considers how the knowledge of our returning King affects our understanding of being justified by faith, following His commandments, persevering through trials, and looking forward to His consummating acts.

Use the link at the right to download a complete sermon manuscript package. Below you will find links to additional study and preparation resources.

Sermons in this series

  1. Justified by the Returning King

  2. Following the Returning King

  3. Perseverance through the Returning King

  4. Consummation in the Returning King

Mike Leake is the husband of Nikki, father of Isaiah and Hannah, as well as the associate pastor at First Baptist Church, Jasper, Indiana. He frequently writes at SBC Voices and his personal blog, He is also slowly working toward completing his Master's of Divinity degree at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.