Lifeway publishes Bible studies, Christian books, and ministry resources by many of the most sought-after voices in Christian ministry and church leadership. These popular authors, teachers, and preachers address a wide variety of meaningful and important biblical topics in the resources they write and create. Meet Lifeway's top authors and discover the books, Bibles, and Bible studies best suited for your personal study or Bible study group.

Matt Chandler
Matt Chandler serves as lead teaching pastor at The Village Church in Flower Mound, Texas, and president of Acts 29, a network of churches planting churches. He is a sought-after teacher and preacher and has authored several books and Bible studies. He hopes for people to know and worship the triune God rightly, that both our minds and hearts would be full of and shaped by Him.

Dr. Tony Evans
Dr. Tony Evans is one of the country’s most respected leaders in evangelical circles. As a pastor, teacher, author and speaker, he serves the body of Christ through his unique ability to communicate complex theological truths through simple, yet profound, illustrations. While addressing the practical issues of today, Dr. Evans is known as a relevant expositor. New and veteran pastors alike regard him as a pastor of pastors and a father in the faith.

J.D. Greear
At the age of 27, J.D. Greear became the pastor of a 40-year-old neighborhood church. In the years since, that congregation of four hundred has grown to over five thousand in weekly attendance. Today the Summit Church, located in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina, is one of the fastest-growing churches in North America.

Ellie Holcomb
Ellie Holcomb is an award-winning singer-songwriter. In 2014, she began writing scripture into song with albums—As Sure as the Sun, Red Sea Road, and Canyon—and now shares her voice in print with the Fighting Words Devotional. She has created a new generation of fans with her children’s books, Who Sang the First Song?, Don’t Forget to Remember, and Sounding Joy, each with companion children’s music. Ellie, her husband, Drew, and their three kids live and make music in Nashville, TN.

Alex Kendrick
Alex Kendrick is an accomplished screenwriter, actor, and film director, whose credits include Facing the Giants, Fireproof, Courageous, War Room, Overcomer, and The Forge. He’s also the New York Times best-selling coauthor of The Love Dare, The Resolution for Men, The Battle Plan for Prayer, and others. A creative artist with a pastor’s heart, Alex speaks throughout the world on the power of film and the surpassing power of Christ. He and his wife, Christina, have six children.

Stephen Kendrick
Stephen Kendrick has dedicated his life to Jesus Christ and to sharing the truth and love of God around the world. He is a New York Times bestselling author (The Love Dare, The Resolution for Men, The Battle Plan for Prayer, and more) and has cowritten and produced some of this generation’s most celebrated faith-based movies (Facing the Giants, Fireproof, Courageous, War Room, Overcomer, and THE FORGE). Stephen is a frequent speaker at marriage, family, and film conferences and lives in Albany, Georgia, with his wife, Jill, and their six children.

Kelly Minter
Kelly Minter is a Bible teacher, the author of several books and Bible studies, and a singer/songwriter with a desire to serve women of all ages. She has found deep hope and healing through the Bible’s truths, making her message personal and relational. Along with her love of Scripture, at the core of her ministry is a deep affection for worship, prayer, and missions. She also partners with Justice & Mercy International, an organization that cares for the vulnerable and forgotten in the Amazon and Moldova.

Beth Moore
Beth Moore is an author and Bible teacher of best-selling Bible studies and books for women. She is the founder of Living Proof Ministries and speaker at Living Proof Live women's events across the United States. Beth's mission is to guide women everywhere into a richer, more intimate relationship with Jesus.

Jackie Hill Perry
Jackie Hill Perry is a Bible teacher, writer, and artist. She is the author of Jude: Contending for the Faith in Today’s Culture; Gay Girl, Good God: The Story of Who I Was, and Who God Has Always Been; Holier Than Thou: How God’s Holiness Helps Us Trust Him; and Upon Waking: 60 Daily Reflections to Discover Ourselves and the God We Were Made For. At home she is known as wife to Preston and mommy to Eden, Autumn, Sage, and August.

David Platt
David Platt serves as a pastor in metro Washington, D.C. He is the founder of Radical. David received his Ph.D. from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and is the author of Don’t Hold Back, Radical, Follow Me, Counter Culture, Something Needs to Change, Before You Vote, as well as the multiple volumes of the Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary series. Along with his wife and children, he lives in the Washington, D.C. metro area.

Jennifer Rothschild
Jennifer Rothschild has shared her inspiring messages to audiences across the country and through media outlets including. Dr. Phil, Good Morning America, The Today Show, and the Billy Graham Television Special. Jennifer is a C. S. Lewis junkie, an obsessive audiobook listener, a dark chocolate lover, and she drinks way too much strong coffee. She’s been blind since age fifteen and says the greatest lesson she’s learned in the dark is that it doesn’t have to be well with your circumstances to be well with your soul. Jennifer is a boy mom who lives in Missouri with her husband, whom she affectionately calls her very own Dr. Phil.

Priscilla Shirer
Priscilla Shirer’s voice rings with raw power and clarity in packed-out arenas, conferences, and churches throughout the nation and the world. Whether through her speaking ministry, her bestselling books and Bible studies, or even on a movie screen—most recently in THE FORGE—her primary ambition is to lift up Jesus and equip His children to live victoriously.
She’s written on biblical characters (like Jonah, Elijah, and Gideon), through topical studies (The Armor of God), even a fiction series (The Prince Warriors), as well as award-winning, bestselling titles like Fervent (ECPA Christian Book of the Year), The Resolution for Women, and her Awaken devotional. She and her husband, Jerry, together lead Going Beyond Ministries and make their home near Dallas, Texas, where between writing and studying, Priscilla spends her days trying to clean up after (and satisfy the appetites of) the Shirer men, including her three rapidly growing young adult sons.

Lysa TerKeurst
Lysa TerKeurst is passionate about God’s Word. She spends hours each week studying with theological experts and has studied extensively in the Holy Land. She loves to make connections between the Old and New Testaments. Her deepest desire is to help others experience Jesus by unpacking Scripture in the most true and responsible ways that everyone can understand.
Lysa is the president of Proverbs 31 Ministries and the #1 New York Times best-selling author. But to those who know her best she’s just a simple girl who holds fast to God’s Truth and speaks about hope in the midst of her own struggles.

Jen Wilkin
Jen Wilkin is an author and Bible teacher from Dallas, Texas. She has organized and led studies for women in home, church, and parachurch contexts. Her passion is to see others become articulate and committed followers of Christ, with a clear understanding of why they believe what they believe, grounded in the Word of God. Jen is the author of Ten Words to Live By: Delighting in and Doing What God Commands, Women of the Word, None Like Him, In His Image and Bible studies exploring the Sermon on the Mount and the Books of Genesis, Hebrews, and 1 Peter.