Another summer of Vacation Bible School has come and gone. Hopefully, it was a valuable time when many children and families were impacted for Christ in your community.
1. Reflect.
How was this summer's VBS? What went well and what didn't? Create a list of the top five things that drove you a little nuts and five things that you want to be sure you duplicate next year. Keep the list where you'll see it when you start planning for next year - in a file folder, a bin, on the wall in front of your face, or on a sticky note. (Those of you who have sticky notes as your main decor know who you — ok, who we are!)
2. Delegate.
You can't do it all. Were there some things you could have let someone help you with? What are your weaknesses? One challenge for me is organization, but I've found a couple of ladies who are great at it. With just a little guidance, they enjoy tackling even something as simple as organizing contact information by families.
Is there someone on the fringes who could take a small assignment and complete it? Gather the resources and delegate. Keep it easy, doable, and give clear expectations. Don't forget to let them know they are appreciated!
3. Don't hoard for the future.
I can actually look at a bag full of empty toilet paper tubes and think, "What if we need those at VBS next year." But there are some things you just have to let go of. People will use more toilet paper and the tube supply will be replenished.
Certainly there are some supplies you'll want to store, but only set aside the things that will save significant time or money. If it's too stressful for you to make all the decisions about what to keep for the future, invite someone with the gift of "purge" to help you.
4. Do one more thing.
What's "one more thing" you can do next year that will make it better? Think about trying one of these:
Make regular contact with VBS attendees through calls, emails, or cards once a quarter.
Send out follow-up information before key church events throughout the year.
Send regular email blasts, drop a card in the mail, or send birthday cards to kids who came.
Once again, remember that you don't have to do it all. By going the extra mile and doing just one more thing next year, you can have even a greater impact.
Improvement is a process, not a destination. There will always be things you want to do differently "next year." A friend of mine once said, "Even when I'm falling on my face, I'm moving forward." Here's to forward progress and a great VBS next year!