Abigail was the wife of a wicked man, Nabal. He was quick-tempered and foolish and treated everyone harshly. When David’s men asked Nabal for provisions, he turned them down, despite the kindness that David’s men had shown him. Hearing of this, Abigail took action. She knew her husband was foolish and that David’s wrath was coming on her household. She gathered a great many gifts and brought them to David, asking for his forgiveness for her husband’s actions.

Not only was Abigail courageous, but she also was wise. When she approached David, bearing provisions and gifts, she knelt in respect and begged his forgiveness. She took responsibility for her husband’s offensive response to David’s men, noting that she had not been home when they came to ask for help. Her actions made clear the difference between Nabal, selfish and worthless, and herself, intelligent and helpful. She also appealed to David’s desire for righteousness by pointing out that by avoiding a battle and bloodshed, his conscience would be clear.

What would you do if those around you insisted on selfish, harmful behavior? What if those in your family or community consistently chose to ignore God’s commands, acted in their best interests regardless of consequences, and hurt others on a regular basis? How would you atone for their sins, prevent escalation or retaliation? Would you be bold and stand up for what’s right? Would you disregard the opinion of others or even potential threats to your reputation or well-being in order to protect those whom God loves? Would any of us follow Abigail’s example of courageous kindness?

May we be as brave as Abigail, doing what is right regardless of the risk, offering help when others won’t, and joining forces with those following God.

Mary Carver

Abigail took incredible risks by offering help to David. She risked her husband’s wrath by giving away their family’s food and supplies, and she risked punishment from David simply by being associated with Nabal. Still, Abigail knew it was up to her to prevent a devastating battle between the two men and so she acted. Rather than fleeing or trying to change her husband’s horrible character in a just moment’s time, Abigail stepped out in courage and dealt with the problem with her own good and discerning character. She knew that blessing David and his men was the right thing to do, and she did it, without worrying about the repercussions from her foolish husband. Her bravery led her to bless others and save her household, and eventually, become David’s wife.

May we be as brave as Abigail, doing what is right regardless of the risk, offering help when others won’t, and joining forces with those following God.

Prayer for Courageous Kindness

Dear God,

When I look around I see so many wrongs being committed. I see people behaving badly, concerned only for their own comfort and convenience and determined to ignore the pain or need of others. God, it breaks my heart and it makes me so angry, and I want to help. But I don’t know how. I’m not sure what to do, and I’m afraid of what people will say when I do. Will you help me? Will you help me be strong? Will you help me be brave like Abigail, confidently acting with integrity despite the risks? I want to follow you, Lord, even when it’s hard. Even when it’s scary. Even when it means putting myself right in the middle of a battlefield. Help me, Lord. Grant me protection and courage, and point me in the direction of your mission for my life. Help me stand strong and stand for you. Help me see when there’s an opportunity to walk in when others walk out. Give me the heart to discern when to join forces with someone doing your will, and help them in a time of need. Draw near to me and help me. Amen.

Mary Carver is a writer, speaker, and recovering perfectionist. She lives for good books, spicy queso, and television marathons, but she lives because of God’s grace. Mary writes with humor and honesty about giving up on perfect and finding truth in unexpected places on her blog, MaryCarver.com. She is the co-author of Choose Joy: Finding Hope & Purpose When Life Hurts, as well as a regular contributor to (in)courage and MomAdvice.com. Mary and her husband live in Kansas City with their two daughters.

Women of Courage 40-Day Devotional by (in)courage

Featuring 40 brave women—some well-known (like Ruth, Elizabeth, Mary, and Martha) and some lesser-known (such as Shiprah, Puah, Lois, and Eunice)—the Women of Courage devotional will walk with you through the hardest days and leave you with the courage you need to lead, to love, to trust, and to turn to God in every situation.

Women of Courage is a 40-day devotional featuring 40 popular and little-known women of the Bible and their story of courage and faithfulness.