Daniel Bondaczuk
Surely, there is more to life than just gaining and saving money, right? The Gospel calls Christians to a life of radical generosity. We are to give, give, give!
January 23, 2024
Principles and best practices are of no value if we only know them intellectually. Knowing and doing is the key to experiencing God’s promises. Living accordingly will help you to thrive.
December 19, 2019
- Chuck Bentley
With the gospel at the center and all that it entails—faith, confession, repentance, conversion—its transforming power affects how we steward the time, talents, treasure, and our testimony of the gospel itself.
August 29, 2019
But in your planning, we’d like you also to consider the potential missteps on your quest to achieve those goals. Before you can prosper from your newly minted financial resolutions, it’s wise to take a good look at the months ahead.
April 15, 2019
- Scott & Bethany Palmer
Whether you need a refresher or are just getting started in helping your child understand money, back-to-school season is an awesome time to start the conversation about finances.
August 16, 2018
- Anthony ONeal
Art Rainer joins us to answer questions about finances and his book, The Money Challenge.
September 14, 2017
- Lifeway Staff
It's not too early to instill sound financial teaching in your teenager - even if you aren't perfect.
August 25, 2014
- Rachel Cruze
Showing 10 of 22 Products