Ashamed Bible Study by Scarlet Hiltibidal
Fight Shame with the Word of God
When Isaiah stepped into the throne room of God, he was “undone” by his sinfulness in view of God’s holiness. When an angel touched his mouth with a coal and told him his sin was forgiven, Isaiah essentially said, “Here I am. Send me. I don’t care where. I’m yours! I’ll do whatever!” He moved from being undone by shame to a hopeful humility and an eagerness to serve the Lord.
In this 6-session study from Scarlet Hiltibidal, discover the deep, freeing truth that being undone is the right place to start. Move beyond your shame to the joy-inducing, peace-producing thrill that comes from a relationship with Jesus. We were made to live in the light—confessing and repenting and renouncing our shame—because Jesus experienced shame in our place.
Free Resources for Women
Sample | Leader Guide | Bulletin | Invite Card | Poster | PowerPoint
Free Resources for Teen Girls
(8 Products)
Ashamed - Video Streaming - Teen Group: Fighting Shame with the Word of God
by Scarlet Hiltibidal
Item # 005846494
eBook - Ashamed - Teen Girls' Bible Study Book with Video Access
by Scarlet Hiltibidal
Item # 005849999
Ashamed - Teen Girls' Bible Study Book with Video Access: Fighting Shame with the Word of God
by Scarlet Hiltibidal
Item # 005842771
Ashamed - DVD Set: Fighting Shame with the Word of God
by Scarlet Hiltibidal
Item # 005848237
Ashamed - Video Streaming - Group: Fighting Shame with the Word of God
by Scarlet Hiltibidal
Item # 005847824
eBook - Ashamed - Bible Study Book with Video Access: Fighting Shame with the Word of God
by Scarlet Hiltibidal
Item # 005847823
Ashamed - Bible Study Book with Video Access: Fighting Shame with the Word of God
by Scarlet Hiltibidal
Item # 005841742
Libre de vergüenza - Estudio bíblico para mujeres con videos: Conquista tus culpas y cargas del pasado con la Palabra de Dios
by Scarlet Hiltibidal
Item # 005850465
Showing 8 of 8 Products