Children of the Day Bible Study
An In-Depth Bible Study Of 1 & 2 Thessalonians
by Beth Moore
The New Testament believers carried the Spirit of God as they walked along the shores of Thessalonica, just as you carry that light today. Your circumstances and conditions are not coincidental in your journey. God's timing is impeccable.
Join Beth on the Thessalonian shores as you face real crises, real medical diagnoses, real afflictions, real relationships, real doubts, real concerns, and real fears. Let the tide wash your eyes with fresh vision. Don't let pride or timidity come between you and the presence of God. Press in tightly. This is your journey to the shores of Thessalonica where you'll write your name in the sand.
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(4 Products)
eBook - Sí, Señor
by Fermín IV Caballero
Item # 005836738
Sí, Señor
by Fermín IV Caballero
Item # 005836546
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*eBook - Mi palabra es: Principios de lo que la Biblia dice de si misma, de nuestros corazones y del plan de Dios
by Fermín IV Caballero
Item # 005848971
Mi palabra es: Principios de lo que la Biblia dice de si misma, de nuestros corazones y del plan de Dios
by Fermín IV Caballero
Item # 005848970
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