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20/20 - Audio Bundle


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20/20: Seen. Chosen. Sent. — Audio Bundle (for individual listening) by Christine Caine includes 7 individual, downloadable audio sessions for individual use.

In this 7-session study, you’ll sense the urgency of your God-given mission. You’ll be challenged to move past what’s comfortable and to tell your personal story of how God saw you, chose you, and sent you on a grand faith-adventure to go into all the world and make disciples.

Audio Sessions:
  • Session 1: Hidden in Plain Sight (29:20)—Christine unpacks the story of the "blind" Pharisee in Luke 7 to remind us that Jesus sees all of us and to challenge us to have eyes that not only look at people but truly see them with compassion.
  • Session 2: Be a God Carrier (27:57)—Christine points out that Mary, with faith that God could do the impossible, was willing to be a God-carrier to her world. We who have Christ living within us through the presence of the Holy Spirit must also be willing to see God do the impossible through us as we carry Him to our generation.
  • Session 3: It’s Up to You (32:35)—Jesus asked the disabled man at the pool of Bethesda, "Do you want to get well?" Christine says that Jesus is asking us the same question. Instead of dismissing the question or offering excuses, we must run to Jesus to experience wholeness and healing.
  • Session 4: Citizens of Heaven, Residents of Earth (24:49)—Christine reminds us that though we live on earth, we are citizens of heaven. As such, we should talk, act, and think differently, giving evidence that we are not from here. As residents of earth but citizens of heaven, we are ambassadors for Christ.
  • Session 5: Magnify His Story in Your Story (31:21)—Christine walks us through the story of Jesus' encounter with the woman at the well in John 4. She points out that when this woman had a true encounter with Jesus, she couldn't help but tell those around her about Him. It should be the same for us.
  • Session 6: Don’t Say No When God Says Go (37:17)—Christine challenges us to move out of our comfort zone and live the abundant life in Christ. We can't hang back and live in fear; we must move forward in faith, being willing to risk and to do what every one of us is called to do—lead people to Jesus.
  • Session 7: The Exchange Zone (33:31)In the final video session, Christine reminds us that we, like countless others before us, are running a spiritual race with the baton of faith in our hands. It's our responsibility to pass this baton on. We must lay aside sins and distractions and focus on Christ, making His last commandment our first priority.


Age Minimum
Medium Format
Audio Download
Number of Pages
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Product Group
Bible Study
Product Type
Study Guide
Publication Date
Lifeway Christian Resources