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A Woman's Heart: God's Dwelling Place – Video Streaming - Groupincludes perpetual streaming access* to 11 teaching sessions by Beth Moore for group viewing. This product includes 10 transferable licenses with perpetual video access for group leaders.
Explore the fascinating account of the building of the Old Testament tabernacle, the significance of its intricate design, its pivotal role in God's eternal plan, the grand fulfillment of its purpose by Jesus Christ, and its variety of meanings for your walk with God today.
Video Sessions:
- Session Introduction (53:00)—In the introductory session, Beth sets up the study of the Old Testament tabernacle with the question God asked Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden: "Where are you?”
- Session 1: Broken Hearts Broken Ties (57:00)—Beth continues examining God's eternal work by focusing on His relationship with Adam and Eve in the garden. Beth examines how God's presence was manifested in the garden and the tabernacle, and how we can recognize His presence today.
- Session 2: New Starts and Barren Hearts (59:00)—Beth focuses on Exodus 16 as a basis for discussing the truths displayed by the manna that the Israelites received daily for 40 years while living in the wilderness.
- Session 3: Prepared Hearts (58:00)—Beth looks at Moses' experience of being with God on the mountain and points out several characteristics of our Heavenly Father and how these characteristics fit exactly certain needs in our hearts.
- Session 4: Hearts Approaching the Altar (60:00)—Beth deals specifically with the altar of sacrifice using the four corners to symbolize four diverse uses of the altar.
- Session 5: Hearts in Fellowship (60:00)—Beth presents an exposition on how the lampstand that was found in the holy of holies represents the whole cycle of time. Beth explores some Hebrew words found in the Exodus passage to clarify the lampstand's meaning.
- Session 6: The Heart of a Servant (60:00)—Beth uses the altar of incense to explore parallels between the Old Testament tabernacle and the New Testament priesthood. Elizabeth and Zechariah, the parents of John the Baptist, provide an awesome example for present-day believers.
- Session 7: A Heart That Intercedes (60:00)—Beth explores the biblical truth that Jesus lives to intercede for us and discusses a word-by-word exposition of Hebrews 7:25.
- Session 8: Hearts Beyond the Veil (60:00)—Beth discusses God's invitation to New Testament believers in Jesus Christ to come behind the veil into the most holy place — the holy of holies.
- Session 9: The Heart of the Testimony (60:00)—Beth tracks a beautiful map of the journey of God's glory through the earthly dwelling places of God's Presence — beginning with how He filled the Old Testament tabernacle after its completion.
- Session 10: Mended Hearts Eternal Ties (60:00)—Beth discusses God's dwelling places in the Bible as well as His eternal dwelling place — His throne room in heaven.
If you need videos to view on your own, we suggest purchasing the Video Streaming - Individual. This Video Streaming - Group option can be viewed by a group of any size. These videos cannot be copied or shared.
*Video access will remain as long as this study is in print.

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- Age Minimum
- 18
- Format
- Video
- Language
- English
- Product Group
- Bible Study
- Product Type
- Bible Study Accessory
- Publication Date
- 2023-02-16
- Publisher
- Lifeway Christian Resources
- Total Sessions
- 11 sessions
- 081407480718