
Item #: 005842053

All Things New - Video Streaming - Group



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All Things New: A Study on 2 Corinthians - Video Streaming - Group includes perpetual streaming access* to 8 teaching sessions by Kelly Minter for group viewing. This product includes 10 transferable licenses with perpetual video access for group leaders.

Over 8 sessions, Kelly Minter will lead you through the Letter of 2 Corinthians, exploring the anchoring truths of bearing treasures in jars of clay, meeting Christ through a pressing thorn, opening wide your heart in the midst of hurtful relationships, and what it means to embrace the lost and lonely as ministers of the new covenant. Each of us has a message to proclaim and live by: Because of Jesus the old has gone, the new has come.

Video Sessions:
  • Session 1: All Things New (26:35)—In this first session we learn the background of 2 Corinthians. This was a heartfelt letter to a church in a city, Corinth, much like cities we live in today. The letter was written out of Paul's weakness, with an open heart about how all of life can change because Jesus has made all things new.
  • Session 2: The God of All Comfort (35:30)—There are four truths we learn about Christian suffering in this session as we explore more of 2 Corinthians. However, that suffering has a purpose. We are reminded that our comfort flows through Jesus. We often naturally draw closer to Him and identify with Him more closely as we experience suffering.
  • Session 3: A New Ministry (37:20)—In this session, we look at five characteristics of a New Covenant ministry. We are often judged according to the world's standards. However, when we compare and contrast those standards with the New Covenant, we discover how we are made new and transformed through Jesus Christ.
  • Session 4: The New Has Come (35:55)—This is the second half of Paul's defense of Christian ministry through the New Covenant. We are reminded of the promises of God and how we are to respond in light of those promises.
  • Session 5: Rethinking Generosity (38:45)—In this session we learn five things about biblical generosity. Focused on the grace of God, we discover that only God can make overflowing joy and extreme poverty equally rich. Only the grace of God can cause us to give a little bit more or before we are asked.
  • Session 6: A Good Kind of Boasting (36:30)—In this session we are reminded that every person has an assignment and ministry. Many resisted Paul's apostolic ministry and attacked him. We are to avoid comparison thinking and judgment and to focus on our assignment.
  • Session 7: Thorns in the Flesh (36:55)—We all face challenges and difficulties. When we don't understand the "thorns" in life, we need to remember that God knows and understands even when we do not. Weakness is the avenue through which Christ's grace rests and power flows.
  • Session 8: Spending Ourselves for Others (34:50)—In this final session we look at three fears Paul had about visiting Corinth and his ultimate desire for their good. Paul encouraged the Corinthians and us to focus on intentional relationship with others, noting that living and serving for the good of others will leave us spent at times, but worth it.
If you need videos to view on your own, we suggest purchasing the Video Streaming - Individual. This Video Streaming - Group option can be viewed by a group of any size. These videos cannot be copied or shared.

*Video access will remain as long as this study is in print.


Age Minimum
Product Group
Bible Study
Product Type
Bible Study Accessory
Publication Date
Lifeway Christian Resources
Total Sessions
8 sessions

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