
Item #: 005841630

Authentic Love - Video Streaming - Teen Guys Group



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Authentic Love: Christ, Culture, and the Pursuit of Purity - Video Streaming – Teen Guys Group includes streaming access to 8 teaching sessions by D.A. Horton for group viewing. This product includes 3 transferable licenses with perpetual video access for group leaders.*

God has Created Us for a Life of Personal Holiness

Every day we are invited into a world where we can create, customize, and even change our identity. Many guys today would like life to be more like a video game where they can create whatever character they see fit with all the attributes they think are important. It seems that our culture is trying to import a consumer mentality—one that tells us we can have whatever we want whenever we want it—into our daily lives.

Speaking directly to the hearts of guys, Authentic Love: Christ, Culture, and the Pursuit of Purity exposes our culture’s distorted messages about purity and love and reveals how God has created us for a life of personal holiness. Over the course of eight sessions, guys will discover the true attributes of a holy life that should shape our identity as followers of Christ. They will be challenged to reject the self-serving influences of culture and embrace what it means to pursue holiness and reflect the character of Christ.

Video Sessions

  • Session 1: Maxed Out (8:31)—D.A. Horton examines what it means to be pure, teaching that purity is a posture—a way of life that flows from a relationship with God.
  • Session 2: Identity (8:47)—D.A. shares what it means to be made in the image of God, and he teaches that God designed us to have a unique relationship with Him.
  • Session 3: Redemption (9:58)—Understanding the redemption God offers us in Christ is key to living a pure and holy life.
  • Session 4: Love (13:35)—As D.A. unpacks God’s view of love and how He demonstrates His love for us, we begin to discover how it conflicts with our culture’s definition of love.
  • Session 5: Humility (11:18)—D.A. shares how Jesus turns our view of pride on its head and calls us to stop trying to prove how great we are.
  • Session 6: Self-Sacrifice (13:16)—Scripture teaches that true satisfaction can only be found when we let go of our selfish desires and live for something bigger than ourselves.
  • Session 7: Endurance (12:03)—The greatest challenge to endurance is the desire to quit. D.A. teaches that living a life of holistic purity takes energy and commitment.
  • Session 8: Biblical Manhood (9:51)—D.A. challenges young men to regain a robust, biblical vision of what it means to be a man of God.

This Video Streaming - Group option can be viewed by a group of any size. These videos cannot be copied or shared.

*Video access will remain as long as this study is in print.



Age Max
Age Minimum
Product Group
Bible Study
Product Type
Leader/Facilitator Guide
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