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Birds and Bees: Complete Study Bundle



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Birds and Bees: Complete Study Bundle


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Sex is complicated, powerful, and personal. Itps physical, emotional, social, and even spiritual. No two people have the same experiences. Yet we all have fundamental needs and longings that have made sex a foundational element of the human experience, the very way wepre on the planet. As sexual beings living in a sex-saturated society, we need to talk about those God-given desires. We need to gain an understanding of God's plan for sex and sexuality.

The Bible serves as both a blueprint for God's design when it comes to sex and an instruction manual with practical guidelines for living out that design in our day-to-day lives. It holds the keys to reclaiming intimacy for God's glory and our satisfaction. Join author Gregg Matte as he unpacks 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8 to discover what God's Word says about how sex is intended to be. Whether youpre single, in a serious relationship, or married, this study was written for you. Engage in a mature, practical conversation in a way that applies to your specific situation. Through it all, youpll learn how your experiences with sex, now or in the future, can be as passionate and fulfilling as God always intended them to be. This "Complete Study Bundle" is designed to help you build a video-supplemented group Bible study and/or class around the Birds and Bees Member Book. Here's what youpll find:

  • Leader Guide (6 sessions; PDF)
  • 6 video segments (Mobile-friendly MP4 format)
    Session 1: God, Sex, and You (1:44)
    Session 2: The Way It's Meant to Be (1:17)
    Session 3: Kicking the Hive: Lust (1:45)
    Session 4: Flying the Coop: Homosexuality (1:48)
    Session 5: Healing Bee Stings (2:11)
    Session 6: Hearing Birds Sing (3:50)
  • Birds and Bees promotional videos, short (0:46) and long (1:57)
  • 6 supplemental biblical articles (PDFs)
  • Tips on facilitating an effective Bible study group (PDF)


Case Quantity
Digital Bundle
Number of Pages
Packaging Height
Packaging Length
Packaging Width
Product Group
Bible Study
Product Type
Study Guide
Publication Date
Lifeway Christian Resources
Total Sessions
6 sessions