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Defined - Video Session 1 - Buy


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Defined– Video Sessions (for individual viewing on your personal computer) featuring Alex and Stephen Kendrick and others. All 8 of these video sessions are available to purchase as individual, downloadable sessions. This 8-session Bible will provide biblical answers to foundational questions of identity so that you can discover all God has called you to be in Christ.

These video sessions are most effective when used with Defined Bible study book. Download any one or more of these sessions for personal use or for times you can’t be at the group Bible study sessions.

Session 1: Created by God [25:44]
In this session, Stephen and Alex Kendrick teach on the God who made us and what it means to be made in His image. This session foundational questions such as: What is identity? Why is it important? How do we define ourselves? Who has the authority to determine our identity? The answers to these questions are more practical—and less abstract—than we may realize. This session features video testimony from actor, Cameron Arnett.

Session 2: Broken by Sin [16:51]
In this session, Stephen and Alex Kendrick help group members understand that though we’re all children of God, we’re broken both as individuals and as a whole and therefore separated from Him through original sin. We’re all broken uniquely; the root cause of our sin is universal, but its manifestations are personal. Jesus came to save sinners because God recognized that people have broken, sinful hearts. This session features video testimony from actress, author and speaker, Shari Rigby.

Session 3: Transformed by the Gospel [22:57]
In this session, Stephen and Alex Kendrick trace the change that happens when God moves in our lives and we receive the gospel. Ephesians 2:1-5 establishes the certainty we can have as followers of Christ and outline seven evidences of salvation. This session features video testimony from pastor and author, Eric Geiger.

Session 4: Who We Are in Christ [19:34]
In this session, Stephen and Alex Kendrick work through Ephesians 1–2, pointing out all of the indicatives that are true of us now that we’re in Christ. While session 1 featured realities that are true of all people, this session focuses on realities that are true of people who are in Christ. This session features video testimony from author and speaker, Priscilla Shirer

Session 5: What We Have in Christ [19:17]
In this session, Stephen and Alex Kendrick explain all we’ve received in Christ, using key words in Ephesians. They demonstrate ways the Christian identity is different from the one the world promotes. With our new identity comes a rich inheritance given in wisdom and understanding. The Holy Spirit is the guarantee of our inheritance and the greatest blessing of our inheritance. This session features video testimony from costume designer and stylist, Anna Redmon.

Session 6: Living Out Our Identity [20:26]
In this session, Stephen and Alex Kendrick transition from the first half of Ephesians to the second half. The final three chapters of Ephesians highlight the way God changes our words, our thinking, our attitudes, our habits, and our relationships. Now that we know what it means to have an identity in Christ, we need to examine the process by which our identity becomes a part of who we are. According to Ephesians 4–5, we put off the old self and put on the new. This session features video testimony from speaker and author, Jackie Hill Perry.

Session 7: Walking in the Spirit [25:27]
The work of Jesus makes a new identity possible. We must lean on the Holy Spirit to learn how to move forward in this identity. We must remain aware, however, that an enemy seeks to disrupt and discredit the identity and inheritance we have in Christ. In this session, Stephen and Alex Kendrick teach what it means to walk with the Spirit and to allow Him to lead us and give us direction. This session features video testimony from Andrew Chalmers, founder and director of Take the City.

Session 8: Walking on Mission [28:46]
In this final session Stephen and Alex Kendrick discuss the amazing works God saves and enables us to do. Because we’re God’s workmanship, we can go on mission with God. This mission includes serving the church and the world around us. Our identity enables us to do things we couldn’t do before. As followers of Jesus, He helps us accomplish the work He has given us to complete. This session features video testimony from actor, Kirk Cameron.



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Number of Pages
Packaging Length
Product Group
Bible Study
Product Type
Bible Study Accessory
Publication Date
Lifeway Christian Resources