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eBook - Explore the Bible - Adult Daily Discipleship Guide - CSB - Spring 2025



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Spring 2025 Study: 1, 2 Peter and Jude
Life can be hard. Sometimes, even knowing the right thing to do—much less trying to do it—can be a challenge. We’re not sure which path to take or which relationship to nurture. We see the obstacles, but we don’t see a clear path for conquering them. God understands, which is why He provided His Word and His wisdom to help us survive, and even thrive, in this world. For example, the original readers of 1,2 Peter and Jude were a lot like us. They were facing challenges and wondering how to filter those experiences through their faith. As you study these basic instructions for godly living, listen for God’s voice and look for ways to apply these truths each day. He has something to say to you—and it will change your life. (13 sessions)

Explore the Bible: Daily Discipleship Guide - CSB®- eBook is designed to cultivate a deeper understanding of Scripture through daily Bible reading.

  • Aligns Daily Bible Study with Group Experience
    Instead of studying beforehand, participants attend the group, learn from the material and discussion, and then build on that using five daily directed Bible studies through the week.

  • Guest Friendly
    Guests and previously absent participants can comfortably join the discussion without feeling like they've missed anything.

  • Easier to Train New Leaders
    Leader material is in the back of the Guide—so leaders in training can simply follow along with the leader without needing a separate book.

  • Supports Discipleship Groups
    The Talk It Out section includes additional content for group members who meet again for deeper discipleship in smaller groups (typically 2-4 people or even a husband and wife for family devotions).

  • Helps Build Community
    The questions, commentary, and activities all combine to enhance interaction and strengthen relationships between everyone in the group.

Purchase one for each group member including leaders.

Explore the Bible: Adults is designed to illuminate the historical, cultural, and biblical context of Scripture. Book by book, we help adults understand and apply God’s Word in a manner that is practical, sustainable, and thorough.


Age Minimum
Curriculum Quarter
Spring 2025
Number of Pages
Product Group
Bible Study
Product Type
Study Guide
Publication Date
Lifeway Christian Resources