
Item #: 006104392

eBook - Looking for Lovely - Teen Girls' Bible Study Book


Collecting the Moments that Matter



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Looking for Lovely: Collecting the Moments that Matter explores the ordinary people of the Bible to discover the beauty in each life. This seven-session study for girls examines people of various professions-fishermen, gardeners, women, soldiers, and ultimately Jesus to find the lovely in everyday life. Every moment matters. Every individual matters. We can’t put life on pause to avoid the difficulties, but we can be people of influence in and through all circumstances. There are moments of suffering, perseverance, character building, and hope in every life. In our everyday, normal lives, looking for lovely is discovering God and connecting with Him in the midst of the positive and negative circumstances we face. God asks that we trust His timing and lean in as He turns the soil in our lives to make everything beautiful in His time. In the end, it is not about outside circumstances but actually about our hearts.

  • Seven sessions
  • 7 video teaching sessions featuring author Annie Downs — available separately
  • Group material that guides questions and discussion with a small group
  • Personal study segments for 6 weeks, 4 days per week to complete between group sessions
  • Women's version also available
  • Girls will discover lovely in the mundane and difficult moments of life
  • Engage in a more personal relationship with God as you discover scriptural truths
  • Encourage spiritual growth in girls through the individual time in the homework and the group sessions
  • Understand that God sometimes calls us to do hard things but they are worth finishing
  • Laugh through times of perseverance and discover the beauty in the journey
  • Trust God’s timing and lean in as He makes everything beautiful in His time
Annie F. Downs is an author and speaker based in Nashville, Tennessee. Flawed but funny, she uses her writing to highlight the everyday goodness of a real and present God. Annie is the author of Let’s All Be Brave, a book for men and women about the power we each have to make a difference on this planet. She also has two books for teens: Perfectly Unique, a spiritual growth book for high school and college girls, and Speak Love, a challenge to women on how to use their words to make a difference in the world.

By weaving together personal stories, humor, and Scripture, she invites those reading to experience fulfilled lives with a God who made them on purpose and loves them deeply. While she loves writing- books, blogs, articles, thank-you notes- Annie also enjoys traveling around the world speaking to young women, college students, and adults. Annie is a huge fan of bands with banjos, glitter, her community of friends, boiled peanuts, and football games.



Age Max
Age Minimum
Number of Pages
Product Group
Bible Study
Product Type
Leader/Facilitator Guide
Publication Date
Lifeway Christian Resources
Total Sessions
7 sessions