
Item #: 005839561

God of Freedom - Video Streaming - Group



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Because each God of Freedom Bible study book includes individual video streaming access, the purchase of this Video Streaming - Group product is optional (not essential). This option provides video access for groups who choose not to use the Bible study books.

God of Freedom: A Study of Exodus 19–40 - Video Streaming - Group includes streaming access to 10 teaching sessions by Jen Wilkin for group viewing. This product includes 10 transferable licenses with perpetual video access for group leaders.*

In this 10-session study of Exodus 19–40, journey through the story of how God shepherds His newly-liberated children into an understanding of what their freedom means: lives consecrated for service to God and to one another. Revisit familiar scenes of the giving of the Ten Commandments, the idolatrous worship of a golden calf, and of the intricate details of the tabernacle. And with fresh perspective, ask what these stories teach God's children today about how to live as those set free.

Video Sessions:
  • Session 1: Introduction | A Call to Worship (38:30)—In this introduction to the study, Jen walks through the “envelope” of the Book of Exodus, sharing the original context of the book. She also explains how Exodus 19–40 connects with chapters 1–18. Jen will answer the question, For what purpose did God deliver His people?

  • Session 2: The Covenant Declared (49:10)—In this session, Jen describes the state of the Israelites following their exodus from Egypt. They have arrived at the base of the mountain, and God prepares Moses and the rest of the Israelites to receive His good law.

  • Session 3: The Ten Words—Part 1 (46:40)—Jen begins this session by teaching on the purpose of the Ten Commandments, or Ten Words, for the people of God. She then looks specifically at the first five Ten Commandments, which are laws that deal with how we honor God and the people He has put in authority over us.

  • Session 4: The Ten Words—Part 2 (41:20)—In this session, Jen teaches through the remaining five Ten Commandments, laws that deal with how we honor our neighbors.

  • Session 5: The Book of the Covenant (48:45)—In a passage that can be challenging for our modern ears to understand, Jen unpacks several commands from the Book of the Covenant. She teaches viewers how to place these commands in their cultural context and to examine why God put them in place.

  • Session 6: The Sanctuary (41:35)—After God gave His law, He instructed Moses on how to build a place for His presence among His people. Beginning in this session, Jen teaches on the tabernacle and its contents, the tent of meeting where God would dwell in Israel’s midst. She also helps viewers see how the details of God’s plan point forward to Jesus.

  • Session 7: The Outer Court (39:30)—In this session, Jen talks through additional tabernacle features, including the outer courtyard and the two items it contains. She also examines God’s instructions regarding the maintenance of the tabernacle and helps viewers see how access to God changed drastically through Christ.

  • Session 8: Those Who Minister and Build (38:45)—With this session, the focus shifts from the tabernacle structure and contents to the people who served as its caregivers and builders. Jen answers the questions, How do the instructions God gave these workers shadow the future work of Christ? and How do they point to our own status and responsibilities as His followers?

  • Session 9: Forgetfulness (41:50)—This session finds the Israelites back at their camp while Moses was on the mountain receiving instructions from God. Jen teaches on the forgetfulness of God’s people seen through their decision to build a golden calf idol and Moses’ role as mediator to plead for forgiveness for their sin.

  • Session 10: Obedience (35:10)—In the final session of this study, Jen teaches through the six chapters of Exodus that detail the building of the tabernacle. Here is seen the willing obedience of God’s people and God’s faithfulness to fulfill His promises.

If you need videos to view on your own, we suggest purchasing the Bible Study Book with Video Access. This Video Streaming - Group option can be viewed by a group of any size. These videos cannot be copied or shared.

*Video access is subject to change when a study is no longer in print.


Age Minimum
Packaging Length
Packaging Width
Product Group
Bible Study
Product Type
Bible Study Accessory
Publication Date
Lifeway Christian Resources
Total Sessions
10 sessions

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