
Item #: 005841904

Grounded - Video Streaming - Teen Group


Wisdom for Real Life from Proverbs and James



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Grounded: Wisdom for Real Life from Proverbs and James - Video Streaming - Teen Group includes streaming access to 8 teaching sessions by Clayton King for group viewing. This product includes 3 transferable licenses with perpetual video access for group leaders.*

“Who among you is wise and understanding?” —James 3:13

We live in an age of information. At the touch of a button we can access a world of information on nearly any given topic. While there are certainly advantages to this, the fact remains that having lots of information isn’t the same as having wisdom. Sure, we may be able to write a research paper for school more easily and even self-diagnose a health issue, but that doesn’t mean we know how to live wisely.

Ultimately, wisdom isn’t about knowing something, but knowing someone—Jesus—and how He transforms our hearts and helps us to live and act wisely before others.

Grounded is an 8-session Bible study designed to guide students to a holistic understanding of biblical wisdom. Building on themes in Proverbs such as wise counsel, the heart, relationships, actions and attitudes, work, money, and the power of words, each session is supported through practical application found in the Book of James. Throughout the study, authors Clayton and Sharie King uncover not only what the Bible has to say, but practical advice on how to live wisely in each of these areas.

Video Sessions

  • Session 1: Wisdom (12:29)—As we study the books of Proverbs and James, Clayton King teaches that true wisdom begins with a relationship with God.
  • Session 2: Wise Counsel (10:00)—Clayton challenges us to seek out the examples of godly believers as we continue to grow in our relationship with God.
  • Session 3: Heart (12:11)—Clayton teaches why it is important that our words about God match what we feel about God in our hearts.
  • Session 4: Relationships (10:52)—Clayton shares why the first and most important relationship we have is with God.
  • Session 5: Actions and Attitudes (12:29)—In this session, Clayton points out the contrast between pride and humility, and he teaches how only one is the path toward wisdom.
  • Session 6: Work (12:35)—Clayton shares how work is a part of God’s design, and because of that it is good. Work is one more way we get to reflect God and serve others.
  • Session 7: Money and Stuff (12:21)— The Bible leads us to think deeply about how we should see money. Clayton invites us to consider what our attitude toward money (and stuff) reveals about what we believe in our hearts.
  • Session 8: Words (12:11)—No matter how old we are, we need wisdom about what to say and the words we use. Clayton teaches why words matter, and even more importantly, how words mirror our heart attitudes within.

This Video Streaming - Group option can be viewed by a group of any size. These videos cannot be copied or shared.

*Video access will remain as long as this study is in print.

Promotional video and other free leader resources available for download at



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Product Group
Bible Study
Product Type
Study Guide
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