
Item #: 005842057

Hosea - Video Streaming - Group



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Hosea: Unfailing Love Changes Everything - Video Streaming - Group includes perpetual streaming access* to 7 teaching sessions by Jennifer Rothschild for group viewing. This product includes 10 transferable licenses with perpetual video access for group leaders.

The book of Hosea—it's a deeply personal and passionate love story, yet it's a difficult story. As an account full of harsh judgment unfolds, we find in its midst a rare and pure gem: the truest and purest of loves. Hosea, an old-testament prophet, preached his own life message using his marriage as the sermon illustration. Through this study you'll be guided to understand, but more especially to apply the message of the prophet of love.

Video Sessions:
  • Session 1: Ingredients of Hosea (32:22)—In this session, Jennifer shares the background of the Book of Hosea by pointing out four key ingredients. She reminds us that God is the main character of the Book of Hosea and it is His unfailing love that changes everything for Hosea, Gomer, Israel, and us.
  • Session 2: When You Say "I Do" To I Am (28:10)—Why would a man like Hosea marry a woman like Gomer? Why would God chose to love us? We learn that God is love and it is His love that makes us all loveable. We have a new identity when we remember His Word and His promises.
  • Session 3: When You Ain't Got Yada, You Ain't Got Nada (30:13)—We are prone to wander away from God. Men, women, the church, people have done this for centuries: lost their first love. The problem is a lack of knowledge and avoiding the temptation to put activity for God in place of relationship with Him.
  • Session 4: Lose The Gomerisms (27:30)—In this teaching session we see that the honeymoon is over for Hosea and Gomer. Gomer left Hosea for something she thought she was missing. We do the same when we stray from God to get what we already have. Like Gomer, incorrect thinking leads us to corrupt thinking.
  • Session 5: Shame Off You (25:24)—Shame. It isolates. It exposes. If the enemy cannot use shame or isolate you, he is going to catch you in the act of being human. No matter where you are, God sees who you are. But remember that where shame isolates, truth includes. Jesus buys us back and He covers the whole price to take us back.
  • Session 6: Redeem the Idolotrinkets (35:23)—In this session Jennifer refers to idolotrinkets and those things in our lives that we've mistakenly or intentionally assigned God qualities to as a way to excuse, explain, or justify our actions. An idol is anything that replaces or reduces God. Learn ways to redeem your idols through prayer.
  • Session 7: His Boundary of Love (21:35)—Without realizing it at times, we live in the midst of enemies who want to influence us and overcome us. Whomever we allow to influence us will rule us. However, just as God wanted His people to lose the yoke of slavery, He has that same desire for us. God wants us to live redeemed and free as followers of Jesus Christ.

If you need videos to view on your own, we suggest purchasing the Video Streaming - Individual. This Video Streaming - Group option can be viewed by a group of any size. These videos cannot be copied or shared.

*Video access will remain as long as this study is in print.



Age Minimum
Product Group
Bible Study
Product Type
Bible Study Accessory
Publication Date
Lifeway Christian Resources
Total Sessions
7 sessions

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