
Item #: 005814365

Imago Dei - Video Bundle - Rent


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Imago Dei– Video Rent Bundle (for individual viewing) featuring notable pastors, speakers, and authors. All 6 of these video sessions are available to purchase as individual, downloadable sessions. In this 6-session Bible study from Lifeway and The Gospel Coalition examines the image of God biblically within the grand narrative of Scripture, relationally as it applies to ourselves and others, and missionally in light of our use of power and the mission God has given to us.
These video sessions are most effective when used with Imago Dei Bible study book. Rent these sessions as a bundle for personal use or for times you can't be at the group Bible study sessions.

This video will expire 6 months after the date of purchase.

Session 1: Imago Dei in Creation and Fall [14:28]
In this session, we begin to trace the thread of the image of God through the pages of Scripture. The imago Dei begins with creation. Being created in the image of God separates humankind from the rest of creation. In His goodness, God created all human beings in His image to know and be in relationship with Him. Yet we recognize that the image of God in us has been corrupted by the fall and in need of redemption.

Session 2: Imago Dei in Redemption and Restoration [15:44]
In this session, we continue to trace the thread of the image of God through the pages of Scripture through our redemption and restoration. In Jesus the imago Dei found its fullest, purest expression. Whereas the rest of humanity was stained by sin, at times even struggling against the expression of the imago Dei, Jesus, in everything He did, revealed the image of God. The hope of all human beings is to be fully restored to the prefall image of God when Jesus returns.

Session 3: Imago Dei in You [16:48]
In this session, we’ll explore what the imago Dei means for us as individuals. Our self-worth comes first and foremost from our identity as image bearers. The image of God has powerful implications for our dignity and worth, and it helps us understand what drives us—why we make things, why we work, and how we work with one another.

Session 4: Imago Dei in Others [15:36]
In this session, we’ll turn our attention to the way the image of God helps us rightly see others. It’s easy to recognize the dignity of people we love, but the Scriptures place a much higher demand on us than that. Because of the image of God in all people, we’re called to acknowledge the dignity of people we don’t know—strangers, people who are different, and even our enemies.

Session 5: Imago Dei and Power [15:31]
In this session we will see how the imago Dei relates to the dynamics of power in our world. All people are created with the ability to exercise dominion (Genesis 1:28). Unfortunately, this God given ability is over abused. The way we as Christians wield power is meant to reflect the way God Himself wields power—with fairness, justice, and concern for the weak and oppressed. God clearly intends power to be used for the benefit and the care of the world and its people.

Session 6: Imago Dei and Missio Dei [18:18]
This session brings the study to its ultimate conclusion, and examine the imago Dei and the mission Dei, or the mission of God, focusing on reasons being made in God’s image should motivate us to share the gospel. The gospel message is meant to go out to the nations, who, in all their wondrous diversity, bear God’s image in a thousand different ways.


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Product Group
Bible Study
Product Type
Bible Study Accessory
Publication Date
Lifeway Christian Resources