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Jesus, Continued … Video Sessions (for group use viewing) by J.D. Greear. All 8 of these gospel-driven and theologically rich video sessions are available to purchase as individual, downloadable sessions. Helping group members relate to the Holy Spirit in new ways, this Bible study experience for groups helps a believer see how he or she can have a satisfying, powerful relationship with God through the Holy Spirit. These video sessions are most effective when used with the Jesus Continued Bible study book.Session 1: Why “God in Us” is Better [11:41]
J.D. Greear opens up the first session of Jesus, Continued… by introducing the study as a whole. For the next eight weeks, we will study what the Bible says about the Holy Spirit and what it is like to daily live in the presence of the Holy Spirit. He also explains that during this study, we will explore why the Bible says it’s better to have the Spirit inside of us rather than having Jesus beside us. Too often, we ignore the personhood of the Holy Spirit, treating Him as a force for good rather than a powerful and active Person that we can interact with daily. J.D. argues that we desperately need to have a recovery of the Holy Spirit.
Session 2: The Gospel of God’s Presence [12:32]
In this session of Jesus, Continued… J.D. Greear explores what it means to be in the presence of the Holy Spirit. How do we access that presence? In this video, Greear looks at the apostle Paul’s explanation: We find the presence of the Holy Spirit by looking deeper at the gospel. God has always wanted to be present with His people, which is evident throughout Scripture. Greear explains that His Spirit is actually God in His people, reminding us that victorious Christianity is lived in the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Session 3: Surrendered to the Spirit [13:58]
In the third session of Jesus, Continued… J.D Greear reminds us of this radical truth: God doesn’t need us. God doesn’t look to us and say, “I need you to save the world for Me.” He calls us to follow Him as He saves the world through us. ?Discipleship shouldn’t be drudgery, but the Holy Spirit can take our drudgery and turn it into delight. J.D. challenges us with two questions: Are you following the Spirit in mission? ?Have you determined what the Spirit of God wants from you? ?
Session 4: You are Gifted [11:04]
In the fourth session of Jesus, Continued… J.D. examines how the Holy Spirit gifts us for kingdom work. If we aren’t clear on what our spiritual gifts are, Greear suggests three ways to help identify them: affinity, ability, and affirmation. Affinity is the things you’re really passionate about, while ability is something you find yourself naturally good at. Finally, affirmation is what the people in your local church tell you that God is using you to do in their lives. Using these three categories, each person’s spiritual gift should become more evident. When believers work out of their gifts, rather than their guilt, the church is more empowered and liberated to complete the mission that has been set before it.
Session 5: The Spirit Shepherd [12:53]
Many believers have asked the question: How do we interpret the movements and the guidance of the Holy Spirit is? In session five of Jesus, Continued… J.D. Greear discusses some of the inaccurate interpretations of Holy Spirit’s guidance as well as how to test these interpretations against the truths of Scripture.
Session 6: Hearing the Spirit Speak [14:39]
In the sixth session of Jesus, Continued… J.D. Greear continues the discussion of how to know if the Holy Spirit is speaking and guiding His people. Greear looks at two more ways the Holy Spirit does this: through the church and through our spirit. Clearly, not every impression in our own hearts, nor in the hearts of others, is the Holy Spirit, but Greear teaches us how to hold our interpretation of everything, except Scripture, loosely.
Session 7: When God Seems Absent [10:42]
Session 7 speaks to the loneliness that can sometimes occur when we can’t necessarily see the evidence of God’s activity. Greear reminds us that feeling abandoned by God has been the experience of some of the greatest Christians throughout biblical history. But, in those seasons, God is not absent at all, and often it is during this time in which He is doing some of His best work in us.
Session 8: God’s Greatest Gift [14:00]
In the final session of Jesus, Continued…, J.D. Greear outlines three characterizations of an awakening of the Holy Spirit. When His children confess their sin, remember the gospel, and intensely pray for God’s Spirit to move, we get a glimpse of what God wants to do in us and through us as He uses us to awaken the world to His presence.

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- Age Minimum
- 18
- Format
- Video Download
- Language
- English
- Product Group
- Bible Study
- Product Type
- Bible Study Accessory
- Publication Date
- 2018-06-20
- Publisher
- Lifeway Christian Resources
- 634337889085