
Item #: 005845674

Jesus the One and Only - Video Streaming - Group



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Jesus the One and Only - Video Streaming - Group includes perpetual streaming access* to 11 teaching sessions by Beth Moore for group viewing. This product includes 10 transferable licenses with perpetual video access for group leaders.

Based primarily on the Book of Luke, this study is a careful examination of the life of Christ. You will be introduced to an intimate Savior as you get a close-up and personal portrait of the life of Jesus the Messiah.

You'll see Jesus come to a funeral and raise the dead, confront conniving religious leaders, teach on a hillside, and even walk on the waves.

Video Sessions:

  • Session Introduction (70:00)—In this session Beth introduces the Bible study of the life of Jesus based on the book of Luke and filmed on location in Israel. Beth discusses what happened between the prophecy of Malachi in the Old Testament and Jesus' arrival on earth and explains how the famine of God's Word during the inter-testament era led to a hunger only Jesus could fill.
  • Session 1: The Word Made Flesh (58:29)—Beth explains the events of Matthew 1:18-25, making a timeline from the angel Gabriel's visit to announce the birth of Jesus to Herod's death, when Mary and Joseph could return from their escape to Egypt.
  • Session 2: The Son of God (55:22)—Beth explores John the Baptist's preparation for Christ's ministry and the statements that Jesus made by being baptized.
  • Session 3: The Way and Life (55:44)—Beth looks at the time after appointing His twelve disciples, when Jesus gave the Sermon on the Mount, introducing them to the ways of His divine Kingdom.
  • Session 4: The Esteem of Man (54:48)—Beth explores how Jesus calls us to do His work and the cost of following Him. Jesus did not limit His ministry to the religious communities. When Christ summons us to the "other side," He wants to show us the deep.
  • Session 5: The Christ of God (57:03)—Beth discusses how the study of this phenomenal event can be applied to our own walks with Him.
  • Session 6: The Necessity (54:32)—Beth explores the question of how we should pray through a line-by-line exposition of the Lord's Prayer, as found in Luke 11. We will never be prayer experts, but we can look towards a goal of knowing God better by asking the same request as the disciples, "Lord, teach us to pray.”
  • Session 7: The Infinite Treasure (52:32)—Beth looks at how we often focus on Christ's meekness and righteousness and determine that He is not passionate—but this is far from true.
  • Session 8: The Answer (56:00)—Beth examines Jesus' action on the Mount of Olives, right before Judas betrayed Him. In total submission to the Father, we still see Jesus struggling immensely, true to His nature of "God-man.”
  • Session 9: The Lamb of God (57:00)—Beth examines the death and the resurrection of Jesus. Without both, people might remember Jesus as a good man, but would still be lost.
  • Session 10: The Risen Hope (59:00)—Beth explains the wonderful magnitude of those instructions and blessings.

If you need videos to view on your own, we suggest purchasing the Video Streaming - Individual. This Video Streaming - Group option can be viewed by a group of any size. These videos cannot be copied or shared.

*Video access will remain as long as this study is in print.


Age Minimum
Product Group
Bible Study
Product Type
Bible Study Accessory
Publication Date
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