
Item #: 005842007

Job - Bible Study Book + Streaming Video Access

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Job - Bible Study Book + Streaming Video Access by Lisa Harpere includes perpetual streaming access* to 7 teaching sessions for individual viewing.

In this 7-session study, discover the redemptive facet of Job’s suffering. Learn to view pain as a way to strengthen your faith, point others to the gospel, and trust in the Lord. Because His providence will never take you to a place where His grace will not sustain you.

Video Sessions:
  • Session 1: (36:41)—Lisa introduces the Book of Job and reminds us that while pain is relative, it is unavoidable. All of us will experience hardship in this life. And that pain we experience is a great conduit for God's glory.
  • Session 2: (46:03)—In Session 2, Lisa moves into chapter three of Job, where we see Job erupt with emotion, cursing the day he was born. Lisa reminds that us that God can handle our emotions, and that we should pour out our hurting hearts honestly before Him.
  • Session 3: (42:32)—In the first part of Session 3, we get a look into the reaction of Job's friends to his suffering. Initially they were good comforters, but after Job expressed his pain, they became harsh and critical. In the second part of the video, Lisa points out from Job 13-14 Job's continued faith and hope in God despite his circumstances.
  • Session 4: (28:40)—From Job's pit of despair we hear him cry out some of the most well-known words from the book of Job, "I know that my Redeemer lives." In this session, Lisa will help us understand what those hope-filled words meant to Job and how we too can speak this truth in our despair.
  • Session 5: (43:13)—In Session 5, Lisa introduces us to Elihu, and uses his words to Job to point out the difference between shame and repentance. She makes it very clear that shame keeps us trapped while repentance leads us to freedom. We also learn in this session that there is much God wants to teach us in our pain.
  • Session 6: (31:37)—In this session God enters the conversation. We'll see that even though God's words might sound harsh, He is inviting Job into face-to-face conversation. Lisa points out that once Job saw God, that was enough for him. It should be the same for us.
  • Session 7: (22:19)—Lisa closes out the study by sharing a personal story of reconciliation and restoration that brought about an unlikely joy. She challenges us to not only be consumers of unlikely joy, but carriers of it.

The Bible Study Book + Streaming Video Access is only meant to be viewed by the person who purchased it. These videos cannot be copied or shared. If you need videos to show in a small group study, please purchase the Video Streaming - Group option if available.

*Video access will remain as long as this study is in print.



Age Minimum
Number of Pages
Packaging Length
Packaging Width
Product Group
Bible Study
Product Type
Study Guide
Publication Date
Lifeway Christian Resources
Total Sessions
7 sessions

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