
Item #: 005847804

Just Open the Door - Video Streaming - Group



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Just Open the Door: A Study of Biblical Hospitality - Video Streaming - Group includes perpetual streaming access* to 7 teaching sessions by Jen Schmidt for group viewing. This product includes 10 transferable licenses with perpetual video access for group leaders.

Hospitality is one of the best ways to live out the two greatest commandments: loving God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself. But often we get caught up in perfecting our homes and conversations before we open our doors.

Over 7 sessions, look to Jesus as your model for hospitality. Discover how He lived a life full of interruptions, yet always welcomed people and invited them to follow Him. Learn to replace cultural expectations with biblical hospitality to create a legacy of invitation and reflect Jesus through simple acts of service.
Video Sessions:

  • Session 1: Introduction (19:25)—In the first session, Jen talks about the heart of hospitality. Focusing on the Greatest Commandment, we are able to open our homes and lives in response to loving God and others. Jen chats with Angela Thomas-Pharr to share ways they have welcomed others in.
  • Session 2: Why Hospitality? (25:37)—Jen discusses the difference between hospitality and entertainment and the perspective shift when we see hospitality as a biblical concept that we get to do. We get to welcome others into our homes by opening our doors. In the interview segment, Jen talks with her mom, her daughters, and her friend Leah to talk about leaving a legacy of an open door lifestyle.
  • Session 3: Jesus as the Model (18:47)—Jen shares ways we pursue hospitality on the go—sometimes we go to others instead of inviting them into our homes. This is how Jesus modeled hospitality for us. She talks with Jaquinn Fox and Bekah Wolfe about ways to live lives of welcome even in the midst of busy seasons in our lives.
  • Session 4: The Power of One (20:59)—In this session, Jen discusses the power of one-on-one relationships, living out discipleship in the everyday. She talks with Natasha Robinson about mentoring relationships and what they mean for one's spiritual maturity.
  • Session 5: When Hospitality Is a Challenge (19:57)—Sometimes we have to confront our excuses for not showing hospitality for others. We need to know that hospitality is a command and a calling for all believers. He uses unqualified people to bring Him glory. Jen chats with Nicki Koziarz and Shelley Helms Southerland about inviting others in, even when it is outside our comfort zones.
  • Session 6: At the Table (22:01)—The most welcoming places in our homes are our tables. Jesus used table time as a means for hospitality and discipleship. We need to be willing to expand our invite lists to have our tables. Jen chats with a panel of women to discuss ways we can use our tables to open our homes and lives to others while giving the glory to Jesus.
  • Session 7: The Uncomfortable Yes (26:25)—Many times showing hospitality means entering uncomfortable situations. Whether we are entering into conflict or into a situation of mourning or pain, we are called to continue to open our doors and lives to show the love of Christ. Jen and her friend Tammy share tangible ways to share the love of Christ with those in mourning.

If you need videos to view on your own, we suggest purchasing the Video Streaming - Individual. This Video Streaming - Group option can be viewed by a group of any size. These videos cannot be copied or shared.

*Video access will remain as long as this study is in print.



Age Minimum
Product Group
Bible Study
Product Type
Bible Study Accessory
Publication Date
Lifeway Christian Resources
Total Sessions
7 sessions

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