
Item #: 005800049

Letters of the Revelation - Video Bundle - Rent


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Letters of the Revelation – Video Rent Bundle (for individual viewing) featuring D. A. Horton. All 6 of these helpful video sessions are available to individuals as rent sessions. This 6-session Bible study explores the challenges, failures, expectations, and victories of the seven churches in Revelation and defines cultural implications for churches today.

These video sessions are most effective when used with Letters of the Revelation Bible study book. Rent these sessions as a bundle for personal use or for times you can't be at the group Bible study sessions.

This video will expire 6 months after the date of purchase.

Session 1
Ephesus: The Church without Love [15:50]

Pastor D. A. Horton points out that although the church in Ephesus took a strong doctrinal stand and endured persecution, Jesus indicted the church for losing its love for Him. Jesus admonished the church to remember its first love, repent of its sin, and return to Him. Likewise, believers today will find that the reward for loving our Savior with all our hearts is eternal, intimate fellowship with Him.

Session 2
Smyrna: The Church That Was Persecuted [09:52]

The church in Smyrna was persecuted and impoverished, yet Jesus pronounced that it was rich. Even though the church would continue to suffer, Jesus encouraged it to be faithful in order to receive everlasting life. Pastor D. A. Horton asks whether believers today are willing to say no to the misdeeds of the flesh in order to pursue holiness. Like the believers in Smyrna, we’ve already received the reward of eternal life, which began the moment of our conversion.

Session 3
Pergamum and Thyatira: The Churches with Bad Reputations [13:45]

Jesus praised the churches in Pergamum and Thyatira for their faithfulness to Him, but He called them to repent of indulging people who held to false teachings and immoral practices. Pastor D. A. Horton warns believers today that Jesus, the righteous Judge, is serious about corruption in His church. He calls us to remain faithful, reject compromise, and walk in the victory that Jesus secured. Our reward will be Christ Himself.

Session 4
Sardis: The Church That Fell Asleep [14:29]

Jesus had strong words for the church in Sardis. Even though it had a reputation for being alive, the omniscient One pronounced it dead, having failed to complete the works to which He had called it. He warned the church to wake up, repent, and give priority to its work for the Kingdom. Pastor D. A. Horton teaches today’s church to starve itself from the things of the world in order to develop an appetite for the things of God. Clothed in the righteousness of Jesus, we must be faithful to keep the gospel, preserve its purity, and proclaim it for the glory of God.

Session 5
Philadelphia: The Church That Endured [08:07]

Jesus, the One who holds the key to salvation, had nothing but praise for the church in Philadelphia. Though it was oppressed, it had kept Jesus’ word and hadn’t denied His name. He promised to spare the church of testing that was coming, and He urged it to hold on to its strong testimony of the gospel. Describing Jesus as the open-door policy for God’s saving grace, Pastor D. A. Horton challenges believers today to be unashamed of the gospel message and to point all people to the Savior.

Session 6
Laodicea: The Church That Turned Lukewarm [15:49]

Identifying Himself as the faithful and true witness, Jesus accused the church in Laodicea of being lukewarm in its faith. It claimed to be rich and self-sufficient, but Jesus recognized that it was poor, blind, and naked. Only He could offer the riches, clothing, and healing the church needed. Pastor D. A. Horton says by acknowledging our spiritual bankruptcy and cultivating humility as the rhythm of our lives, believers today can avoid being lukewarm in our faith and can stay on fire for God.


Age Minimum
Product Group
Bible Study
Product Type
Bible Study Accessory
Publication Date
Lifeway Christian Resources
Running Time