Item #: 005847617

Pray Like This - Bible Study Book with Video Access


Living the Lord's Prayer



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Pray Like This - Bible Study Book with Video Access


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Prayer is the most dynamic discipline in the life of a believer. Yet it may be the most misunderstood and the least taught. This six-session Bible study shows believers that following Jesus’s Model Prayer will lead them to fall more in love with God and grow in their desire to engage in conversation with Him. Impactful, inspiring video sessions introduced by Pastor Steve Gaines include interview segments with proven leaders: J. D. Greear, Robby Gallaty, Kelly Minter, Lisa Harper, Ed Litton, H. B. Charles, and more.

In this Bible Study Book for young adults, men and women, you’ll see the significance of starting your prayers by acknowledging God as Father. You’ll learn what it means for His name to be recognized as holy, discover what you’re asking God to do when you pray for His kingdom to come and His will to be done as well as seeing what Jesus meant when He told us to ask God for daily bread. This women's and men's Bible Study Book is great for personal study, in group Bible studies, and to use alongside your devotionals. Also, each Book contains unique codes that enable you to access free teaching videos for each session.

Session Titles:

  1. Our Father in Heaven
  2. Your Name Be Honored as Holy
  3. Your Kingdom Come, Your Will Be Done, on Earth as It Is in Heaven
  4. Give Us Today Our Daily Bread
  5. And Forgive Us Our Debts, as We Also Have Forgiven Our Debtors
  6. And Do Not Bring Us into Temptation, but Deliver Us from the Evil One


  • Six small-group sessions that walk participants through Jesus’s Model Prayer
  • Videos and session previews featuring author, access included with purchase of Bible Study Book
  • Personal study opportunities for ongoing spiritual growth
  • Applicable Scripture
  • “How to Use This Study,”


  • Understand how seeing God as Father affects your prayer life.
  • Grasp the significance of God’s invitation to call on His holy name.
  • Learn how a prayerful posture leads to an understanding of God’s will.
  • Develop spiritual maturity and a knowledge of God’s kingdom



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Product Group
Bible Study
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Study Guide
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