
Item #: 005842154

Steadfast Love - Video Streaming - Group



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Steadfast Love: A Study of Psalm 107 - Video Streaming - Group includes perpetual streaming access* to 7 teaching sessions by Lauren Chandler for group viewing. This product includes 10 transferable licenses with perpetual video access for group leaders.

Psalm 107 is a call to worship. It reminds us that each season of life is an opportunity to reveal the anchor of our souls. In this 7-session Bible study, learn to face both storms and deserts with courage and trust in Jesus, and discover how tests in our journeys of faith reveal the true condition of our hearts. For there is no fear for the one who fears the Lord, the one whose soul is anchored in His steadfast love.

Video Sessions:
  • Session 1: A Call To Worship (12:30)—We are worshipers by design and nature. We were created to worship our Creator but there is an enemy who seduces us to worship other things and anchor our lives in false hopes.
  • Session 2: The Desert (14:10)—He is working something in the desert, plucking false anchors, filling wells, tilling the soil of our hearts to receive seeds to bear fruit. Let Him do His work, but do not neglect to cry out for His help. We aren’t meant for the desert forever. He has a way out.
  • Session 3: Chains (13:45)—God delights in setting you free. The broken record of bondage doesn’t have to keep playing. Cry out to the God Most High, The One who brings darkness to light and dead to life.
  • Session 4: Folly (10:15)—This is the beginning of wisdom: when we rightly see the Lord in all His majesty and purity, acknowledge our sin against a holy God, and realize there is nowhere to turn but to Him. Folly is to know His Word without knowing Him.
  • Session 5: The Storm (14:10)—The storm is scary. It tests our faith and reveals the true condition of our hearts. The storm reminds us that this life is not all there is. The storms only whet our appetite for the coming glory when we see Jesus face to face.
  • Session 6: Gratitude (11:15)—Not all of our deserts, chains, folly, and storms are behind us. They will come again but don’t be discouraged. Each season is an opportunity to reveal the anchor of our souls. There’s no fear for the one who fears the Lord, for the one whose soul is anchored in His steadfast love.
  • Session 7: Conclusion (6:15)—In this final Session of Steadfast Love, we are reminded that despite the desert, chains, folly, and storms of life, we are called to worship and live a life of gratitude toward God.
If you need videos to view on your own, we suggest purchasing the Video Streaming - Individual. This Video Streaming - Group option can be viewed by a group of any size. These videos cannot be copied or shared.

*Video access will remain as long as this study is in print.



Age Minimum
Product Group
Bible Study
Product Type
Bible Study Accessory
Publication Date
Lifeway Christian Resources
Total Sessions
7 sessions

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