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Item #: 005801291

The Gospel of Mark - Audio Bundle


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The Gospel of Mark: The Jesus We’re Aching For – Audio Bundle (for individual listening) by Lisa Harper includes 7 individual, downloadable audio sessions.

Throughout his account, Mark unveils a Jesus of unparalleled power and authority but also a Jesus of humility and love. And while this Jesus invites each of us into a greater story through His teachings, He demands we come as active participants. We must acknowledge Him, seek salvation in Him, and follow Him wherever He leads.

In this 7-session study, we follow Jesus through His days of early ministry to the cross, and we discover what it fully means to be the recipients of His overflowing compassion and the very reason for His all-consuming passion.

Audio Sessions:

  • Session 1: Hold Me Please (35:00)—In the first session, we're introduced to Mark and his fast-paced style of storytelling. Based on the preaching of Peter, Mark's Gospel uniquely reports Jesus' compassionate ministry.
  • Session 2: The Price of Discipleship and the Invaluable Prize of a Forever Family (35:05)—In this session Lisa talks about the price of being a Christ-follower. However, in spite of the cost, when we put our faith in Jesus Christ we're adopted in the forever family of God.
  • Session 3: The One Who Prefers our Chopsticks to Beethoven (37:00)—This session is all about the amazing accessibility of Jesus. Though He is Lord of the universe, He is also an incredibly personal savior. Mark 4 & 5 show us His authority over the natural and supernatural, sickness, and even death, but through the story of the bleeding woman, we learn that He is a Savior who knows us and loves us on an individual, personal level.
  • Session 4: The Unlikely Catalyst of Unbelief (34:00)—In this session we dive into Mark 9 and study Mark's passage on The Mount of Transfiguration. In this teaching we discover that what God promised in the Old Testament is perfectly fulfilled by Jesus in the New Testament.
  • Session 5: Calling All Curb Sitters (35:05)—In the last eight chapters of the Book of Mark, we turn from studying the compassionate works of Christ and begin the road to the cross. In Mark 10, Jesus continues to heal and perform miracles for the people He encounters, including Bartimaeus. Jesus not only heals him but changes his life.
  • Session 6: When Real Love Leads to Big Trouble (37:10)—In this sixth session we look at Mark 13. In it, Jesus reminds us that even though being His followers in the end times is scary, He is still in control. He promised that there are hard days coming, but we have hope in Him.
  • Session 7: Saving the Last for Best (16:55)—In the last chapter of Mark, we learn about Mary Magdalene, who reminds us that we all have seasons when we feel undeserving to be Jesus' disciples and representatives of His hope. The first witness to the gospel, Mary Magdalene was healed by Jesus and used her former brokenness to proclaim His glorious message. He is our restorer and He calls even the least of us to be vessels of His living hope.


Age Minimum
Audio Download
Product Group
Bible Study
Product Type
Bible Study Accessory
Publication Date
Lifeway Christian Resources
Total Sessions
7 sessions