
Item #: 005849297.2025-SUM

The Gospel Project: Adult Premium Bundle - CSB - Summer 2025


Bundle Type

The Premium Bundle (boxed set) enables a group to get the most of their study—with 10 Personal Study Guides, 2 Leader Guides, 2 Commentary copies, and 1 Leader Pack, which provides visual aids and customizable leader group plans (DOC files)—while saving 15%.

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Summer 2025 Study: Foolishness and Wisdom
(Covering 1 Samuel–1 Kings; Wisdom Literature)

After the period of the judges, the Israelites wanted a king to lead them, and God gave them what they wanted. Israel’s kings were to lead the people in God’s ways and not the ways of the pagans around them. But being human, these kings had their strengths and weaknesses, their times of faithfulness and times of faithlessness. When they followed God’s wisdom over man’s, they excelled. When they didn’t, they revealed their foolishness. Through the example of their lives and their Spirit-inspired teachings, God continues to guide us in wisdom. Now, with Jesus, the true King intended for us from the beginning and the promised King from David’s line, we can learn better what true wisdom is—trusting Christ, fearing God, and walking in His ways. (14 sessions)

The Gospel Project Premium Bundle (boxed set) is part of a tiered bundle system that makes ordering easier, encourages new leader training to help expand groups, and saves you 10–15% off the cost of your order (versus ordering items separately). The box includes:

  • 2 Leader Guides
  • 10 Personal Study Guides
  • 2 copies of the Commentary
  • 1 Leader Pack
  • Save 15%

Order one per group. Remember to add extra Personal Study Guides to your order for groups larger than 10 people.

Throughout the Old and New Testaments, the common thread in every biblical story is Jesus. That’s why The Gospel Project for Adults is a chronological, Christ-centered Bible study that continuously traces the need for redemption in those stories and in our stories, too.


Age Minimum
Curriculum Quarter
Summer 2025
Packaging Height
Packaging Length
Packaging Width
Product Group
Bible Study
Product Type
Publication Date
Lifeway Christian Resources
Total Sessions
13 sessions