
Item #: 005837858

The Prodigal Son - Video Streaming - Teen Group



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The Prodigal Son: Discovering the Fullness of Life in the Love of the Father - Video Streaming - Teen Group includes streaming access to 8 teaching sessions by Matt Carter for group viewing. This product includes 3 transferable licenses with perpetual video access for group leaders.*

Is following Jesus really worth it?

At some point, we have all questioned our faith. We’ve asked questions like: Is Christianity worth it? If we go all-in following Jesus, will we miss out on the best life has to offer?

But what makes us ask these questions in the first place? Why are we so tempted by the allure of a life outside of God’s will? Thankfully, Jesus addressed these questions through the well-known parable of the prodigal son from the Gospel of Luke.

In this story, we meet a young man who demands his inheritance then wastes it in a far-off country away from the watchful eye of his father. When he finds that the world and its pleasures do not deliver on their promises, he determines to return home to his father.

Pastor Matt Carter walks through the parable verse by verse, showing that true life is never found in the far-off country, but rather the best life is found in the love of our Father.

Video Sessions

  • Session 1: The Problem (9:41)—At some point, we all doubt the love of our Father. Pastor Matt Carter helps us see that no matter how far we roam, the best life is found in the Father’s love.
  • Session 2: The Lie (9:30)—In this session, Matt Carter looks at the lie that led the prodigal (and us) to wander from home. All sin begins with a false belief. In order to pursue sin, we have to believe the lie that sin is worth disobeying God.
  • Session 3: The Step (9:36)—On the front end, sin always looks enticing, fun, satisfying and pleasurable. But sin will always take you to places you never intended to go. In this session, Pastor Matt Carter examines what happens when we take the step into sin.
  • Session 4: The Consequences (10:01)—The prodigal would have never asked his father for his inheritance if he understood the consequences that awaited him on his journey. Matt Carter looks at what the prodigal found waiting for him at the end of the road.
  • Session 5: The Realization (9:58)—In this session, Pastor Matt Carter teaches about what happens in the life of a Christian when they realize they are living in sin and disobedience.
  • Session 6: The Speech (10:27)—This week the prodigal wrestles with what he will say to his father when he returns. Matt teaches through the speech the young prodigal prepared as he began his trek down the road home.
  • Session 7: The Return (12:00)—In this session, Matt deals with some of the barriers we build up in our minds and hearts that keep us from coming home to God.
  • Session 8: The Reunion (10:23)—Matt Carter completes our journey. The prodigal is rounding the last bend to the house and sees something he could've never expected—his father running toward him to welcome him home.

This Video Streaming - Group option can be viewed by a group of any size. These videos cannot be copied or shared.

*Video access will remain as long as this study is in print.



Age Max
Age Minimum
Product Group
Bible Study
Product Type
Leader/Facilitator Guide
Publication Date
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