
Item #: 005841846

When You Pray - Video Streaming - Group


A Study of Six Prayers in the Bible



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Because the When You Pray Bible study book includes video streaming access, the purchase of this Video Streaming - Group product is optional (not essential). This option provides video access for groups who choose not to use the Bible study books.

When You Pray: A Study of Six Prayers in the Bible - Video Streaming - Group includes perpetual streaming access to 10 teaching sessions by Kelly Minter, Jackie Hill Perry, Jen Wilkin, Jennifer Rothschild, Jada Edwards, and Kristi McLelland for group viewing. This product includes 10 transferable licenses with perpetual video access for group leaders.*

In this 7-session study, join with six beloved Bible teachers who will help you study prayers in the Bible that can inspire your own. You’ll learn that God welcomes your praise and lament, your thanksgiving and intercession. You’ll see examples of how to pray when you’re alone and when you’re gathered with others. Above all, you’ll notice there’s no one right way to pray. As you draw near to God through prayer, you’ll find your faith strengthened and your heart united to Christ.

Video Sessions:
  • Session One: Introduction (22:01)—What is the purpose of prayer? Why, and better yet how, do I pray? How can God’s Word shape the words we say back to Him? Listen in as our team of Bible teachers give their thoughts on these common questions, share their personal prayer experiences and struggles, and encourage you to join God in the never-ending conversation He longs to have with you.
  • Session Two: “Your Kingdom Come” with Kelly Minter (36:02)—In this teaching video, Kelly Minter uses the backdrop of the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6 and more of Jesus’s teaching in the Sermon on the Mount to remind us about the character of God the Father, the One we talk to when we pray. From Jesus’s own words, we learn that God is personal, powerful, responsive, and altogether good.
  • Session Three: “My Heart Rejoices in the Lord” with Jackie Hill Perry (36:57)—Petition, or presenting our requests to God, is one of the most popular types of prayers. Through her verse-by-verse study of Hannah’s prayers in 1 Samuel 1 and 2, Jackie Hill Perry helps us understand that God desires to hear our requests, and thanks to Jesus, we are able to bring them before Him.
  • Session Four: “Your Works Are Wondrous” with Jen Wilkin (43:23)—Another type of prayer we see modeled frequently in the Bible is adoration, or praise. A great example of this is David’s prayer in Psalm 139. Jen Wilkin’s verse-by-verse teaching through this psalm highlights the attributes, or character traits, of God that David included in his psalm of praise. David’s words serve as a great example for us of how we, too, can praise God through prayer.
  • Session Five: “How Long, O Lord?” with Jennifer Rothschild (37:57)—We often want to avoid prayers of grief or lament because we may think God doesn’t have time for our tears, or perhaps our needs are too tiny, or maybe we are afraid to feel what we can’t fix so we stuff. Using the words of Psalm 13 as her guide, Jennifer Rothschild teaches that lament is a safe place for you to feel your feelings, and it is a sacred place where God reveals who He is.
  • Session Six: “May You Be Filled” with Jada Edwards (35:41)—In this teaching session, Jada Edwards examines one of Paul’s many prayers as an example of intercession, or praying for the needs of others. Prayer is not only about praying on our behalf. When we pray for others, we partner with God to bring His plans to pass in the lives of others.
  • Session Seven: “May They Be One” with Kristi McLelland (35:35)—The final example of prayer in this study is Jesus’s prayer for oneness, or unity, among His disciples, from the Gospel of John. Kristi McLelland examines the historical and cultural context of this time in Jesus’s ministry to help us understand the power of His prayer for oneness in the lives of His disciples then and in our lives as His disciples today.

If you need videos to view on your own, we suggest purchasing the Bible Study Book with Video Access. This Video Streaming - Group option can be viewed by a group of any size. These videos cannot be copied or shared.

*Video access will remain as long as this study is in print.


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Number of Pages
Packaging Length
Product Group
Bible Study
Product Type
Bible Study Accessory
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