Church Resources: Campaigns, Projects & Facilities
We offer the most comprehensive and relevant solutions to equip your church staff and administration. Our goal is to provide you with quality products and reliable services, so you can concentrate on the most important task of all — sharing the saving grace of Jesus with your community.
Church Administration
Lifeway One Source has done the research to find specialized service and product providers best suited for the needs for your church. Save on church buses and signs to background checks, renovations, furniture, office equipment and more.
Capital Campaigns and Generosity
Campaigns by Auxano is a vision based, leadership rich, discipleship journey led by a team of professionals or your own team with the support of a coach standing on the sideline.
Church Building Projects and Facilities
We've worked with thousands of churches representing all sizes, demographics, and denominations across North America, providing new facilities, additions, relocations, or remodeling.