Levels of Biblical Learning - Training

Welcome to the Ages & Stages: Levels of Biblical Learning training page. Here you'll find a printable PDF of the Ages & Stages, audio training that covers each age and stage, and other resources to help you teach your leaders the importance of knowing where you are going when teaching biblical knowledge to kids and how you are going to get there.
Ages & Stages Booklet
As kids and students grow, their understanding of foundational truths grows with them. The Ages and Stages: Levels of Biblical Learning — A Discipleship Framework for Church and Home booklet illustrates ten concepts that are the foundation of spiritual growth: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Bible, Salvation, Creation, Church, People, Family, Community, and World. This booklet explains these foundations for Younger Preschool, Middle Preschool, Older Preschool, Younger Kids, Older Kids, Preteens, Middle School, and High School.
Download the free booklet and share it with leaders and parents.
Ages & Stages Audio Training
- Episode 1: An Introduction to the Ages and Stages Discipleship Framework
- Episode 2: Younger preschoolers [0-24 mos.]
- Episode 3: Middle preschoolers [2s and 3s]
- Episode 4: Older preschoolers [4s and 5s]
- Episode 5: Younger kids [6 and 7]
- Episode 6: Middle kids [8 and 9]
- Episode 7: Preteens [10 and 11]
- Episode 8: Middle School [12 and 13]
- Episode 9: High School [14-18]
Bible Studies for Life: Kids
Built on Ages & Stages: Levels of Biblical Learning, Bible Studies for Life helps kids apply the Bible to their lives in an age-appropriate and intentional way. Click through this instant preview to see how Bible Studies for Life: Kids works.