Lifeway Women Discipleship Pathways

What Is Discipleship?

Discipleship is intentionally equipping believers with the Word of God, through accountable relationships and empowered by the Holy Spirit, in order to replicate faithful followers of Christ.

One-Year Discipleship Plans for Women

Choosing your next Bible study can be overwhelming, especially when you’re choosing for your small group or women’s ministry. That’s why we developed a series of discipleship pathways created just for you. Each pathway provides a year’s worth of study and focuses on a different topic, allowing you to choose the right fit for you and your group. No matter how to you want to grow in your knowledge and love of God, we have Bible studies hand picked for you.

You'll find a variety of paths ranging from new believers, spiritual disciplines, how to study your Bible, leadership, and more.

Cultivate Spiritual Disciplines

Spend a Year with Jesus

Studies for Mentors and Mentees

Alive - Bible Study Book


(13 reviews)

Ephesians - Bible Study Book with Video Access


(81 reviews)

As for Me - Bible Study Book with Video Access


(92 reviews)


A Year of Study for a New Believer

Alive - Bible Study Book


(13 reviews)

Open Your Bible - Bible Study Book


(9 reviews)


Grow in Faith

Studies for You and Your Teen Girl

Seamless - Bible Study Book with Video Access


(100 reviews)

Seamless – Teen Girls Bible Study Book


(100 reviews)

Esther - Bible Study Book with Video Access


(30 reviews)

Esther - Teen Girls Bible Study Book


(30 reviews)

Anxious - Bible Study Book with Video Access


(21 reviews)

Anxious - Teen Girls' Bible Study Book


(21 reviews)


Get Equipped for Leadership

Ministry to Women - Book


(2 reviews)

Everyday Theology - Bible Study Book


(16 reviews)


Reconstruct Your Faith

Learn to Study Your Bible

Studies to Have on Hand for Difficult Seasons

View all Women's Discipleship Pathways topics.

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Learn more about Lifeway Women.

Learn More About Discipleship

Simply put, a disciple is a lifelong learner of Jesus Christ — someone who truly follows after Him all the days of her life. You actively choose to put yourself in an atmosphere and environment to follow after Him, to constantly be changed into His image on this side of eternity.

We must be attentive to God's direction as we go through the day or we may walk right past the opportunities to give a cup of water in Jesus' name.

We want our churches to be characterized by the disciples that we send into our communities and around the world but feel largely unsuccessful when we try to measure our effectiveness.

Until we return to lives of discipleship, we’ll continue to fail in our calling to live as heaven’s representatives on earth. This is because the power, authority, abundance, victory, and impact promised in God’s Word to His people is ours only when we align ourselves under Him as His disciples.

Mentors help remind us who we are, who God intends us to be, and that He will be faithful to us. And a mentee is someone who longs to know it. It is the combination of those two powerful forces together that create fulfillment.

Bible study leaders want to do more than simply teach the Bible. We lead our groups because we want to see people transformed by the truths of God’s Word. We want those in our groups to grow in their faith and walk with Christ.