From Sunday to Everyday

Relatable, age-appropriate Bible studies for kids, students and adults.

To be more like Jesus every day: that’s the goal. And while discipleship takes a lifetime, the day-to-day work is no mystery. Bible Studies for Life is designed to intentionally move babies through senior adults in the direction of Jesus Christ. With a research-backed, biblical model of discipleship, every session is designed to provide a balanced, relatable, and age-appropriate group Bible study experience.

A Digital Curriculum to Reach the Next Generation of Kids and Students

  • Teaches 12 simple, biblical truths—guiding kids, and students to learn who they are because of who Christ is

  • Creates a culture of belonging centered on relationships, so every kid or student feels welcomed and included 

  • Fosters a fun atmosphere with high-quality media and games 

  • Includes biblically sound content with a clear picture of Jesus and the opportunity to present the gospel in every session  

  • Adapts as needed through an all-digital, media-driven resource that is simple to plan, prep, and execute 

Kid having fun
Kid walking serious
Young lady standing facing you

Experience Hyfi for yourself!

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  • Aenean eu pretium nibh, ac efficitur orci

  • Aliquam condimentum pharetra dui, eu volutpat sem ullamcorper at

  • Donec et ullamcorper magna

  • Mauris eu est magna. Nunc quis quam eget ipsum lacinia fringilla

  • Cras venenatis rutrum egestas

  • Fusce est mauris, molestie non hendrerit ac, maximus vitae elit.

Nulla efficitur lacus faucibus efficitur venenatis.

Proin pulvinar, nisi eget lacinia dignissim, lectus nulla volutpat ipsum, a mollis ante nisi ut diam. Suspendisse non congue diam. In lorem lectus, congue nec nibh in, elementum suscipit felis. Mauris ac ante nec diam tempor commodo. Aliquam congue et justo vel molestie. Suspendisse porta, urna non convallis pulvinar, nunc quam rutrum arcu, non ultrices elit velit id ipsum.

Sed arcu quam, pulvinar ac elit sit amet, laoreet placerat tortor. Aliquam rutrum non nunc vel consequat. Praesent fermentum mattis odio lacinia dignissim. Fusce at rhoncus augue, elementum vulputate eros. In urna odio, vehicula vitae accumsan non, interdum id mi. Vivamus non imperdiet diam. Nullam hendrerit faucibus sapien, nec laoreet turpis volutpat sit amet. Ut nec dictum ex. Aenean vel urna mi.

Jen Wilkin

Jen Wilkin

Jen Wilkin is an author and Bible teacher from Dallas, Texas. She has organized and led studies for women in home, church, and parachurch contexts. Her passion is to see others become articulate and committed followers of Christ, with a clear understanding of why they believe what they believe, grounded in the Word of God. Jen is the author of Ten Words to Live By: Delighting in and Doing What God CommandsWomen of the WordNone Like HimIn His Image and Bible studies exploring the Sermon on the Mount and the Books of Genesis, Hebrews, and 1 Peter.

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