The Gospel Project for Adults - Winter 2025

Law and Life

Throughout the Old and New Testaments, the common thread in every biblical story is Jesus. That's why The Gospel Project is a chronological, Christ-centered Bible study that continuously traces the need for redemption in those stories and in our own stories, too.

Our winter study is Law and Life, where we will see that God called Moses to deliver His people from captivity and lead them to the promised land. In the wilderness, God gave His people the law to reveal His holiness. Through the tabernacle and sacrificial system, God showed that He desired to dwell among them and provide a way to forgive their sin. Yet, the people’s lack of faithfulness expressed itself in constant grumblings with dire consequences. Though the previous generation would die for their sin, the new generation would enter the promised land because of God’s grace. When Jesus came, He fulfilled the law perfectly and, through His sacrifice, made a way for all who believe in Him to be reconciled to the Father. This is the faithfulness of a loving God who gives us life with Him forevermore. (13 sessions)

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