This is an excerpt from the Insight for Life Devotionals featured in the CSB Men’s Daily Bible. Learn from more than 50 articles written by respected pastors and Christian leaders. Topics include: marriage, parenting, family, work, leadership, and more.
A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a difficult time.
Proverbs 17:17
A round of golf is nothing if not four solid hours of problem solving. Since the game is played outdoors, there’s always the weather to provide a challenge. Rain, high winds, scorching heat, or bone-chilling cold can make the game more difficult. Then there are the tests of the terrain. A severe downhill lie, a foreboding lake right there in the way, a huge and menacing sand trap, and the pin, thoughtlessly positioned at the toughest possible place on the green. All these things can make this game a lonely experience to face - except that I don’t face them by myself.
My relationship with Paul Tesori began in December 2010 with a simple phone call. I had just said so long to my friend and caddie, William Kane, who left the tour to enter full-time ministry. As a standout at Florida, winning an NCAA championship, I knew of Paul. Previously, he had been a caddie for three-time major winner Vijay Singh.
I also knew that, like me, Paul Tesori was a Christ follower.
In discussing my phone call with him, Paul later joked to the media that he was actually interviewing me. “I had a lot of questions,” he said. “I have felt like there have been times where great athletes who are Christians feel like maybe they’re not supposed to be great. I do not fall in that category. I think that God gives people talent to be used to create a platform that they can then use to talk about their faith — and to make an impact on society. I could tell by his voice, that Webb wanted to be great.”
I liked what I heard and invited him to join me, as they say, “on the bag.” This was a turning point in my career. I believe our professional relationship was God-appointed.
First, there was my confidence in his judgments. He’s not afraid to tell me exactly what he sees, and his advice has proven to be a difference maker. Then there’s the confidence I have that as good as Paul is at assessing the contours of my game, the man has become my dear friend, offering sound advice about godly living in a broken world. In fact, we have been able to encourage each other through the ups and downs that life inevitably brings.
This verse from Proverbs describes the gift that godly friendship can provide through all of life’s seasons. Through the challenges, the twists and turns of successfully navigating a golf course, as well as through life itself, Paul has been that kind of brother and friend to me. We have faced adversity together—both as we walk golf courses and as we stride through life. Together.
You’re likely not a professional golfer. But you need a friend to help carry your heavy bag. A trusted friend. A caddie. A brother, born for your inevitable “difficult times.”
Since Paul Tesori cannot be your caddie as well, may I suggest that you . . .
Ask God to send you this kind of friend; and
Look for ways to come alongside another man to be this kind of friend to.
You may not have a biological brother. That’s okay. Scripture is filled with accounts of men who chose one to walk with them. A brother. This is a good idea.
The CSB Men’s Daily Bible invites men from every walk of life into a daily conversation with God’s Word. The goal is to become more like Jesus along the way. Guided by General Editor and best-selling author, Robert Wolgemuth, alongside the wise council of his friends, this Bible is full of encouragement and useful tools. Here are resources to help equip men to live boldly and courageously in the face of everyday challenges unique to them, including relevant topics like marriage, parenting, family, work, and more.