Culture Articles
Living Under the Rule of God and No Other Political Power
We can make all the mandates, take all the precautions, pass all the economic stimulus packages, and host international summits that we want, but if a spiritual root is erupting in rotten fruit, only God can solve the issues at hand.
January 22, 2024
Forgiveness in a Cancel Culture
Jesus was shamed so that our own sins might be forgiven. And God invites to his table those who were his enemies. It is sin and death and injustice, then, that are canceled, and we are invited into God’s favor.
May 11, 2021
- Dan Darling
Embracing Diversity and Becoming a Multicultural Church
Pastor and author Mark Hearn shares a glimpse into his firsthand experience of leading his church to embrace multicultural ministry. And challenges other ministry leaders to do the same.
September 13, 2017
- Lifeway Staff